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Never leave your Wingman

Ace and Spade walked along side with Maverick and Goose. They were doing this hop with the duo this time around.

"Hey Maverick." Hollywood called out. "Yeah." Maverick answered him. "Did you hear about Ice?" Hollywood asked. Ace rose a brow.

"What's that?" Maverick questioned him again. "He won another one." Hollywood replied. Ace couldn't help but smile.

"Really?" Maverick questioned again. "Yeah." 

"I feel the need... The need for speed!" Both Maverick and Goose exclaimed. Ace and Spade chuckled. "Speed but Maverick whatever you do... don't cause no chaos up there." Ace said to him sternly. "Just relax, no chaos is going to happen up there." Maverick assured her.


"Gentleman and Miss, this is Hop Nineteen. Multiple Aircraft, Multiple Bogeys. The training  is half over, Competition for the Top Gun Trophy remains tight. First place, Tied Iceman and Ace. Second Maverick just two points behind." 

"Holy shit... I didn't realize that... that we are tied with Iceman." Ace said with shock in her voice. "That what happens when you aren't being competitive, besides this is exciting, but we got to keep our head up Ace here." Spade said.

"There they are, three miles left 10' clock, I don't think they can see us yet Mav." Ace called out. "Ok I see him, two eight fours left, 10' clock, level continued, left turn." Maverick replied. They both pull up their planes.

"Good morning Gentleman and Miss, attempt is 210 degrees." They heard Viper.

"Uh Holy Shit, it's Viper!" Spade called out. "Damn!" Ace exclaimed. "Viper's up here.. great." Goose said as he rolled his eyes. 

"Great.. he's probably saying holy shit it's Maverick and Goose." Maverick said, Ace rolled her eyes as the four of them pulled up their masks. "Yeah...I'm sure he's saying that." Goose said which Ace couldn't help but chuckle.

"We got this Ace!" Spade exclaimed.

"I've got my eye on the northern bogey." Maverick called out to Ace. "Roger..I got this other guy." Ace replied.

"Ace... you got the lead, I'll cover you." Maverick said. Ace bit the inside of her cheek as she stayed focused.

"Break now Jester!" Viper exclaimed.

"Ace, we're losing Viper. Let's just stay on Jester." Maverick called out. "Roger, I'm on him." Ace replied. "Hear that Spade, keep your eye on Jester, Mav's got something up his sleeve." Ace told Spade. "Roger that Ace." Spade said.

"Goose..Find Viper, he's out there somewhere." Maverick said. "Stay with Ace, Mav. We're covering her wing." Goose said. "Goose! There's Viper, three o'clock low." Maverick called out. "Stay with Ace, Mav. We're her cover" Goose said once more.

"Maverick... don't you fucking dare... don't you dare leave me Maverick." Ace said sternly and Spade shook his head. "Ace you looking good, I'm going after Viper." Maverick said as Ace widen her eyes. 

"Damn it Maverick." Spade muttered in frustration.

"MAVERICK YOU SON OF A BITCH! DAMN IT!" Ace exclaimed loudly. "Just relax Ace, we got Jester, just let him go!" Spade exclaimed. "DAMN YOU!" Ace exclaimed. "Mav... don't leave her." Goose said sternly. "Goose, Ace is okay.... I want Viper." Maverick said. "And I so want to kick your ass Maverick!" Ace exclaimed.

"Damn, we are on our own, now tell me Spade, where is Jester at?" Ace said frustrated. "Uhh, he's not on our tail, he's on Maverick." Spade said. Ace rose a brow. "I got an idea, Spade. Just keep an eye on him. "Roger that." Spade called out. 


As Jester got a lock on Maverick, Ace took a golden opportunity to get lock on Jester which threw him off guard. "Well, you got Maverick but yet I ended up getting you there, Jester." Ace called out with grin on her face. "Well played Kid." Jester said with chuckle. "Well played there Maverick, you should've stay with me." Ace sassed with brow rose.

"Knock off Gentleman and Miss, let's go home, Viper has the lead." Viper said as he and Jester took off.


Spade sight as he got out of the shower stall. He saw Maverick leaning against the wall post. "Damn Maverick, you should've stay with us, Ace is pissed off." Spade said. Maverick didn't speak word. 

"That surprise that Ace did with Jester was Badass." Hollywood said. "Oh absolutely." Chipper said agreeing. "She had no idea, we are tied with Iceman and Slider." Spade said. "My little sister is the best, I did tell Iceman she is good but Ace is never competitive." Slider said.

Jester walked into the shower room. "That was some of the best flying I've seen yet, right up to the part you got kill, you never leave your wing man." Jester said to Maverick as he then walked off.

Ace was walking up, Jester stopped her. "Nice flying kid, keep up the good work." He said to her. "Thank you sir." She said. He nodded at her and continue walking. 

She walked through the shower room, She looked at Maverick and sighed. Then walked to her locker.

Iceman walked out of the shower stall, leaned against the wall. "Maverick, it's not your flying. It's your attitude... the enemy's dangerous... right now your worst then the enemy, you're dangerous and foolish, you may not like the guys flying with you, they may not like you... whose side you on?" Iceman asked. Maverick stay silent. Iceman shook his head and walked to the lockers.

Ace was drying her hair with the towel. "You alright there?" She turned to see Iceman. "No." Ace said. "Spade said you were pissed off."  Iceman said. "What do you think Kazansky?" She questioned him. He stayed silent and sighed. "I'm sorry, damn I wish he would listen and would've just stayed put." Ace said. 

"He'll learn." Iceman said. Ace rose a brow at the man. "This is Maverick we are talking about here." Ace said. "Enough about Maverick, let's talk about us." Iceman said. She looked over at him. "What about us?" She questioned as she looked back inside her locker. "How about that third date?" Iceman questioned. She looked over at him and smiled. 

"I would like that, we can do it tomorrow night, I am seeing Goose's wife and son tomorrow, where are we doing it this time?" She questioned. "My place, about your cooking, is there anything you need?" Iceman questioned her.

"Get me things and I'll surprise you." Ace said with a grin. "Sounds good, Tomorrow night then." He said to her. "By the way, nice going on when you got Jester... That was badass." He tells her, then he pressed a kiss to the top of her head and walked to his locker. Her cheeks had redden. 

Wait tell she tells Carole about this.


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