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Ace walked down to breakfast, Spade approached her. "What the hell happened last night?" He questioned her. "I left early then expected to, sorry I didn't let you know that I was leaving." Ace said as she went to grabbed her some food.

"That's alright but did you hear what Maverick did?" Spade questioned which cause Ace to groaned. "What the hell did he do now?" She questioned. "He seduced a woman by singing." Spade said. Ace looked at him. "He chose You've lost that lovin feeling by the righteous brothers, didn't he?" Ace questioned. "Yes but how did you.." Spade was about to ask. "It's Maverick, I have known him for so long now, that's Maverick for ya but I'm not going lie, it is a great song though." Ace said.


"Now you'll also be trained and evaluated by a few civilian specialist. The civilians are here because they are a very best source of information on enemy aircraft. One of the most qualifed is our TAG rep callsign Charlie." Spade's eyes widen at the the sight of the woman. "What's your problem?" Ace mouthed. "That's her." Spade mouthed back which Ace's eyes widen at him, She looked at Maverick and shook her head. "She has a PHd in astrophysics and she's also a civilian contractor so you do not salute her but you better listen to her because the pentagon listens to her about your proficiency. It's all yours Charlie." Jester said as she took over.She thanked him,

Charlie turned around and gave the group a professional smile. She then locked eyes with Ace. She nodded subtly with respect which caused to give her a polite smile. "Hello." Charlie said to everyone.

Ace then saw that Spade was in shock while Maverick and Goose's eyes were widen.  "Good golly, don't open your mouth there buddy, you'll catch flies." Ace muttered. "Oh hush it, Kerner." Spade whispered. "Yep.. that's my last name, don't wear it out." Ace whispered back before focusing on Charlie. Spade shook his head and looked ahead.

"We will be dealing with f-5s and a-4s as our MIG simulators. Now, then, as most of you know, the F-5 doesn't have the thrust-to-weight ratio that the MIG-28 has. However, the MIG-28 does have a problem with its inverted flight tanks." Charlie explained. Ace and Spade looked at each other. She looked at Goose and Maverick who were whispering as Charlie was explaining.

"It won't do negative-G pushover. The latest intelligence..." Charlie spoke.

"Are you gonna tell her?" Goose questioned Maverick. Ace rose a brow in amusement. "I miss that last night?" She whispered to Spade.

"....tells us that the most it will do.." Charlie continues on.

"Nothing." Maverick said to Goose. Ace looked over at Spade. "Alright... how we make things interesting, I bet you five bucks that Charlie will call those two out, I see it..." Ace said with a brow rose. "Bring it on." Spade said as they shook hands.

".....Is one negative..." Charlie said before pausing then looking at Maverick and Goose. Ace grinned a bit as she looked over at Spade. "Damn it." Spade muttered at Ace as he reached for his wallet. "Excuse me, Lieutenant, is there something wrong?" Charlie questioned.

Then Spade slapped the ten dollars into Ace's hand. "Nice doing business buddy....wait... I said five?" Ace whispered. Spade shook his head. "I know the next thing, I just paid in advance." Spade said. Ace nodded. "Nice." Ace whispered back. "Typically of you Ace." She heard her brother whispered. "Watch it, you always lose your bets, so I wouldn't be talking." She whispered back at her brother before focusing on Maverick and Charlie.

"Yes, Ma'am, the data on the MIG is inaccurate." Maverick said. This caught everyone's attention. Ace and Spade looked at each other.

"How's that lieutenant?" Charlie asked amused. Maverick looked back at Ace. She rose a brow at him, "Showoff much?" She mouthed. He just chuckled a bit then took off his glasses.

ACE | T. KazanskyWhere stories live. Discover now