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Present Day:

"Captain Nicholson would it be alright if I were to take an old case home? Just to familiarize myself with the process

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"Captain Nicholson would it be alright if I were to take an old case home? Just to familiarize myself with the process."

"I don't see why not, ask Ms. Fisher for further information on which case. And call her if you have any questions."

Finally, I chance to prove myself to the chief, it's about time I showed everyone that I can do more than organizing files. I've known I've wanted to be a detective since I was 13 years old. Becoming chief and head of the office would be nice, but that's not the goal. All I want is for people to feel safe and not have to fear that some dickhead on drugs is going to kill them when they're out at night.

"Robyn hi, Captain Nicholson said that you could assign me to an old, unsolved case so I can get use to the process." Robyn has worked her for about 3 years she's 26, and she's always been so incredibly nice to me. She has black hair that is in a high bun, tanned skin which compliment her beautiful hazel eyes.

"Of course, follow me." We go pass the captain's office into a narrow hallway which is decorated with a single photo of everyone in the precinct, including myself. At the end of the hallway there's a door marked 'employees only'. There are shelves that reach up to the ceiling, decorated with boxes. There are 2 large boxes labelled 'unsolved'. I have a closer look at the second box and 3 cases catch my eye. Tracy Horton, Ward Tretchen and Kira Hollis. I decide to take all 3 folders home with me to really challenge myself. I don't expect myself to crack any of them, if professional detectives and the captain can't solve these there is no possible way I could.


I enter my 2-bedroom apartment and am instantly greeted by my best friends' laughter. Alongside Ivy is my sister, Addy and her girlfriend CeCe.

"What are you two doing here?" I grin while pulling both Addy and CeCe into a hug. I've only ever met CeCe twice and I haven't seen my sister in about 9 months. I moved away from home to come live with Ivy and go to college in Stanford. I got my degree in law enforcement and took additional classes on criminal justice. I also applied and was welcomed into a training program for those who wanted to be part of the police force or like me, wanted to be a detective.

However, Ivy went in a different approach, both of us went to Stanford but she studied and gained her degree in journalism. We're the best pair. I solve a case then she gets praise from her bosses when she 'somehow' gets explicit detail about said case.

"Can't I visit my big sis?" Addy looks at me with a cheeky smile on her face, the same smile that used to live with when we were kids. Addy is only 7 minutes younger than me. I only remember that because she continues, even to this day, to remind me. Me and Addy are very similar appearance wise. We both take after our mother.

Although my sister got my father's icy blue eyes, whereas I got my mother's alluring jade eyes. Other than that, we both have the same wavy, blonde hair and the freckles that only become quite visible in the summer. Alongside are the rosy cheeks and plump, full lips. However, my older brother ,Kace,  is a mini version of my father, dark hair, icy eyes, sharp jaw and broad shoulders. He did get my mother's smile though, as my father likes to say, it's his best quality.

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