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He knows I'm here. He knows I know. He can sense me as much as I can him. I'm in bed, the comforter only coming up to my knees. I'm dressed in a long black shirt that sits mid-thigh, with my hair in a scruffy braid. He's here. I know he is.

"Your right Kylie, I'm right here."

A deep voice comes from behind me. He hears me. I close my eyes trying to rid myself of this nightmare.

"Try as much as you want princess, I'm still here."

The voice becomes clearer the closer he comes towards me. I keep my eyes harshly shut still convinced non of this is real.

"But it is real." A hand grabs onto my shoulder turning me around. Silas. My breathing becomes heavy as my green eyes meet with his blood red ones. Everything feels so lifelike, so real. He removes his hand from my shoulder taking a few steps back. Now he's not in my way I notice we're no longer in my bedroom. And we're not alone. We're in a forest. Not a spec of light seeps through the canopy above. It's quiet, peaceful even. Ivy and moss covers the trees like an emerald blanket.

To think I was so busy taking in the beauty of the area I forgot about the fact I was probably about to be murdered.

The other man is leaned against the only tree without ivy. He's tall, 6 foot at least, he has dark hair that droops over his forehead. I can't tell if it's black or just an incredibly dark brown. He has blue eyes. But not the icy type like my father's, they're more of a deep ocean blue. My eyes travel to his hands, where he's holding a gun. My breath gets caught as I see his grip tighten around the weapon. I look back up and am met with his eyes. His jaw becomes tense and his eyes darken.

"Shoot her."

This isn't happening.

He looks towards the ground, but I can see the look of guilt appear on his face. An arm raises as he points the gun at me. I look back at Silas. Without even processing what's about to happen, my legs think for me. I turn around and run. Run as I should, like my life depends on it.

I don't hear anything. No-one chasing after me. No-one talking. I can't even hear the crinkling of the leaves on the floor as I step on them. Nothing at all. Something doesn't feel right. Not that this 'situation' overall feels right. I ran. And they let me. If he wanted me dead I would be. I don't believe that Mr. Colby wasn't gonna put up a fair fight.

I had to stop. I couldn't breathe anymore, my legs were aching and there was no sign of Silas or his accomplice. There were trees, flowers, berries and luscious bushes. This area was so lively. So bright. No light was visible due to the canopy, but it still seemed brighter, more spacious yet still cozy and closed in. I sit behind a tree, leaning against it's trunk. I stay in that position for a couple of minutes before slowly beginning to stand again.

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