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7 days before


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It reeks of ash and burning flesh.
The drugs are already wearing off.
I stand there. Completely paralyzed staring at the corpse in front of me.
I pull out my phone and message him back "It's done." He replies almost instantly "Dispose of anything on him, including his car. Then and only then may you head back to collect the last of your payment. Make sure no-one has seen you."

Dickhead thinks I'm a fucking dumbass. I've been doing this for 2 years now you'd think I'd know what I'm doing. None of it matters. All I need to do is get the last of this money and I'll be done.

"Finally, I've been waiting for hours."
"You've been waiting ten minutes since I last spoke to you Colby." There are 2 bags of cash on the table, and I already know I'm going to get sucked into another 'mission'. I closely admire the second bag noticing a picture of a woman, she seems to be in her late 30's early 40's at a push, blonde, hazel eyes. I wonder who this could be, another ex-girlfriend of Colby's maybe?

"Who's the blondie?" I ask after I finish studying the photo. There seems to be a lot more than the usual amount in the bag. It must be a threat to him of some kind.

"Oh her. She's your next target," Called it. "Names Tracy Horton, she's 37, a biologist, lives on Atwood drive, married to Nathan Horton, 39, a doctor. She has 3 children, 2 boys and a girl: Atlas 12, Alex 7 and Amy 4." Jesus how much does he actually know about her and her family.

"What is she to you, and why do I need to kill her?" I wouldn't be surprised if she was some rando he picked out, but there's way too much money in that bag for her to not mean something.

"I was friends with her husband back in college, good man. Any who it seems she's not only been ruling a drug ring under her husband's name. It just so happens she acquired these drugs from your little friend, Kayden, she also had her secret lover steal half of our customers." The 'Hortons' are now living proof that families are perfect in pictures, but that's it. My family's not perfect that's for sure, if it was, I definitely wouldn't be here right now.

"Anyway, head home, I'll expect to see you Monday. Don't keep me waiting this time." I leave with no hesitation, getting out my phone clicking on contacts and scrolling all the way till I find Kayden's number. I called him 4 times before he answers, "The fuck you want now, you whiny bitch."
"Hello to you too, want to go to a bar with hot girls while being drunk and high?"
"Is that even a question."


"Here's to Silas Colby, may he end his miserable life with an even more miserable death!" I sit laughing at the bar while Kayden continues talking crap about my boss to a group of tan, brunette girls. All of which are incredibly attractive and gorgeous, but non that are particularly my type. Personally, I prefer blondes with green eyes, but I'm not one who tends to judge off of appearance. If you were to ask any other guy they'd lie and say 'personality is what matters' bullshit. Sure, personality is a massive part, but you won't know if they have a nice personality until you talk to them, and more often than not you grow the balls to talk to them because of their appearance. This goes for girls aswell, not just guys.

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