• D e s c r i p t i o n •

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Kylie Morgan:
A 24 year old, newbie detective with a bubbly hopeful personality she had to have to get her through her struggles. Her father read her fairytales about the honorable heroes and the evil villains, but what is 'Little Miss Detective' supposed to do when she falls in love with 'Deadly Mr. Assassin'.

Cameron Diaz:
A 27 Year old, assassin with a dark personality that he developed from his even darker past. A cold, closed off man who sees the world in simply black and white and believes that dreams are a scam, falls for his exact opposite. If he was a Doberman she would be a Golden Retriever.

She goes undercover, as Genevieve Jones, and is offered a huge promotion in order to arrest Diaz once and for all. 'Jones' and Diaz get very close, very fast. Until their feelings for one another become too strong to ignore. And that's when the predicament begins.
Both are in denial, neither believe they could fall for someone so...different.

Can Kylie look past his baggage and allow herself love?
Or will she betray the man she wants for the career she spent her life to get?

It's the question we all try to answer:
Money or Love?

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