Poppy Loves Sweet Tart Soup: Part 2

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A high-pitched voice sounded in Nora’s ear as she rolled over onto her side. “Eeek! Stop moving, Nora! Nora!”

“Huh?” Nora asked, rubbing her eyes and sitting up in the bed. Half of her hair was sticking straight out and had tiny knots tied in it. “What the...” she said, as she tried to run a hand through her wild hair.

“Down here!”

Nora looked down at her pillow and lying there was Poppy. Her black hair shimmered as the moonlight struck it. Nora’s jaw dropped. She was real.

“Crush me when you roll over, why don’t you!” Poppy said, crossing her arms and flapping her iridescent blue wings in disgust. Acting as though her long disappearance was not worth mentioning.

“What? I haven’t seen you in years and you tie knots in my hair as a way to say hello? And I even left you out a treat,” Nora said, feeling offended.

“Sheesh! Don’t be so sensitive. I couldn’t resist.” A high-pitched laugh erupted from the tiny faery. “You were snoring and I had to do something. Plus that sweet tart soup was so yummy. Think of your hair as my thank you. Looks better that way.”

“Glad you liked it,” Nora said trying not to roll her eyes. “Where have you been, Poppy?” Nora asked in a serious tone. “I needed you while I was with Dee. I was beginning to believe I made you up! I thought I was crazy!”

“Where have I been? How about where have you been? You ran away to that city made of iron to live with Dee. You know how all Fae are allergic to that stuff! It’s like you didn’t want me around,” Poppy said, plopping down on Nora’s pillow and crossing her legs.

“It’s not my fault my mom ... I mean Dee ... wanted me back! I had to go!”

“Whatever you need to tell yourself, Nora. But I came here to bring you back with me, not for the sweet tart soup. There’s something I have tell you.”

“Take me back? What are you talking about?”

Poppy took a deep breath and stared into Nora’s eyes. “You are in danger.” Her tiny face was full of worry.

Nora let out a laugh. This had to be just another joke, but seeing Poppy’sconcern, she hesitated. She had never seen Poppy so serious. “You’re kidding, right? What is this, the start to another riddle?”

Poppy shook her head. “The courts are at war. I don’t have much time...”

“What’s new? The Seely Court is always warring with the Unseely Court. How am I in danger?”

“Because the Unseely Court has noticed you.”

“But they’re your enemy. Not mine...” Nora remembered back to Poppy’s version of bedtime stories. The tales of Unseely knights torturing Seely Court members and humans for pleasure would give her nightmares. As a child, Nora believed all bad things in the world were caused by the Unseely Court, like monsters under the bed and shadow creatures that went bump in the night.

Poppy shook her head. “They’re your enemy now, too.”

“Huh?” Nora muttered, trying to make sense out of what Poppy was telling her.

“We don’t have time for all these explanations!” Poppy paused and stared at Nora like she felt very sorry for her. “They could be watching us now,” she said, glancing out the window. “Listen, the Unseely Court has a reward out for anyone who can capture you and bring you back to their subterranean world by Halloween.”

Nora’s mind spun with the information. “But... why me?” she said trying to find the words. “I’m no one special.”

Poppy’s face dropped. “Exactly. You wouldn’t be missed.”

Nora flinched a little at the comment; the trueness of the words settling over her, waiting for Poppy to continue.

“This Halloween marks the date when the Unseely Court has to pay their blood Sacrifice to Hades. We think they have chosen you for their next Sacrifice, Nora.”

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