Beauty Is Pain- Part 2

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Poppy led Nora out of the room and into the empty passageways. The loud sound of pipe music and fiddles echoed through the halls, growing louder with each step. As they wound through the archways, the air seemed to buzz with energy that felt like electricity against Nora’s skin. Her heart pounded as the noise of the revelry intensified until the courtyard came into sight. Marble steps led down to the grassy common area that was lined with cherry trees in blossom. Queen Aine sat upon a large throne towards the back, clapping her hands while a small band played at her feet. A smaller chair, no less ornate, adorned with pearls and rubies sat next to Queen Aine’s throne.

The sun was setting over the courtyard lighting the sky with bright pinks, purples, and oranges. Lightening bugs lit up the darkening sky as they mingled in the trees. White strips of fabric hung over the top of the open courtyard, reflecting back the multicolored sunset light. As Nora approached, the crowd quieted.

Poppy fluttered next to Nora’s ear. “The other chair is for the guest of honor. Keep walking straight, even as the crowd stares.”

Nora gulped and stared at the queen directly ahead of her and at the seat meant for her. The longing to be close to the queen began again, like she was a magnet being pulled forward by an invisible force. The Queen glanced up and locked eyes with her. For a split second, Nora thought she saw fear spread across the Queen Aine’s face, but the familiar blank expression quickly replaced the look, and Nora dismissed it as a trick of the light.

The crowd and band stopped playing by the time Nora stood at the base of the throne. Hundreds of Seely Court members watched, their gaping eyes felt heavy as they stared at the newcomer. A smile played on the Queen’s lips and Nora found herself getting lost in the Queen’s gaze, wanting so very badly to be the reason the Queen was pleased.

“My Court,” Queen Aine said, her voice ringing out like wind chimes, “May I present our guest of honor, Nora. This is the human that the Unseely Court desires for their own. Yet, we are lucky enough to have her presence with us tonight. Let us feast to her name and to the prospect that she will accept our offer for Sanctuary and stop the senseless spilling of human blood!”

The court cheered as Queen Aine lifted a goblet encrusted with black onyx and rubies. “Let us drink to her safe keeping!”

The court let out another loud roar, clinking their glasses together, and taking deep swigs out of leather flasks.

Nora tried not to tremble as Queen Aine looked at her, bringing the goblet to her lips and taking a drink. “Come sit with me, Nora,” the Queen commanded in a soft voice that only Nora could hear. “Bring Poppy.”

Gathering her thoughts, Nora turned around and looked at Poppy who was busy staring at the Queen. “Come on. She wants us to sit down.”

Poppy bobbed up and down in the air, her voice shaking, “Do you have any idea how big of a deal it is to sit next to her?”

Nora looked out at the crowd and took a seat. All of the Seely Court faces’ were a mixture of admiration and jealousy. “I’m beginning to get the idea.”

The Queen laid a slender white hand on Nora’s chair and leaned towards her. “Before we can begin, there is some business to be looked after. As soon as the matter is dealt with we will move on to rejoicing to your presence tonight.”

Nora nodded her head but the image of Lord Ardan and Lady Nia arguing in the courtyard earlier came back to her. Before she could locate them in the crowd, the Queen had stood up and raised her hand. Silence filled the court as every Fae turned their head.

“I summon forward Lord Ardan and Lady Nia,” Queen Aine said, her voice taking on a more sinister tone.

Poppy gasped in Nora’s ear.

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