Queen Aine's Offer- Part 2

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The one queen who she had daydreamed about so much as a child was just beyond the ornate door. It was like she was getting ready to meet a childhood hero. Anticipation filled her stomach; the nerves making her brain feel fuzzy.

Poppy fluttered in front of Nora’s nose. “Remember, do not hold back when you are in front of the queen. She can taste lies in the air and some say she can hear thoughts. But don’t worry, she’s fond of humans.”

Nora ran Poppy’s words over in her mind and couldn’t figure out if it was a warning or friendly advice. Managing a smile, she opened the door to a large circular room and stepped onto the gilded floor. Nora gasped as she walked inside, the great expanse of the room made her feel like a tiny speck that was out of place in the grandeur of the room. Everywhere she looked gold sparkled. Huge pillars supported a ceiling covered in a mosaic of multicolored pieces, forming a scene of two young girls fighting over a golden apple.

The room seemed to light itself from within because of the glimmering gold. But nothing shone as brightly as the creature that sat in the middle of the room atop a throne encrusted with diamonds, rubies, and pearls. Her flaming red hair highlighted the milky whiteness of her skin, almost translucent in the light. Pointy ears poked up out of her mane of curly hair and iridescent wings rested against the back of her chair. The creature’s gold and red dress looked like something out of Victorian England, complete with ruffled sleeves and a tight bodice. An eerie calmness filled the room as the creature looked up at Nora and Poppy. Her features were smooth and blank as though no emotion ever registered on her delicate face.

“Poppy, you’ve performed well. You brought back my prize,” the Queen said, her voice sounded like soft chimes as she spoke. Almost like music rather than a language. The effect was so beautiful that Nora barely registered that she had been called a prize. The Queen could call her whatever she liked and Nora would have been pleased to listen to her voice.

 Poppy fluttered forward, like a moth to a flame as the Queen spoke and Nora felt her feet moving her closer to the throne. Glancing up at the ceiling again, Nora realized one of the girls on the ceiling had to have been this Queen as a child, the red hair and sapphire blue eyes gave her away. But she couldn’t help wonder who the other girl was in the scene.

“And you must be Nora,” the Queen said. “I see you like my mosaic. That is a picture of my sister and me during our youth. I like to have this picture near me, to remind me that we once lived side by side. My parents always spoiled her, allowing her every whim to be met. She now rules her own kingdom much like a child, throwing fits whenever she does not get her way. She has not changed much I hear. A pity really...” The Queen sighed and waved her hand. “But let’s talk of more important things. I’m Queen Aine. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

Nora looked at Queen Aine, feeling slightly dizzy as she met her piercing cold blue gaze. It was like Queen Aine could see through her like a piece of glass, like her every thought was exposed and capable of being read.

A small smile spread across the Queen’s face. “Do you fear me, Nora?”

“No,” Nora said, lifting her chin and meeting the Queen’s gaze once again.

“Good. For it is not me you should fear but the image of my sister, Queen Una of the Unseely Court. Poppy has told you of the Sacrifice they perform?”

Nora nodded, feeling pulled towards the Queen. “She mentioned it.”

The Queen barely nodded her head in acknowledgement. “You look very much like my sister, for a human that is ... it’s your eyes. A mix of yellow and green.”

Nora thought she saw a shudder shake the Queen as she eyed her up and down, but then she continued, “I would like to offer you protection here at my Court until Halloween passes. I ask only that you stay here and speak only to those closest to me. My personal attendants will see to you. Poppy of course will accompany you wherever you go.”

Nora glanced away, fidgeting as the Queen studied her. “Why do you care so much about me?”

“I do not believe in senselessly spilling human blood. My sister believes she must pay a barbaric sacrifice to Hades once every thirteen years in order to appease the gods of the underworld. In exchange, Hades himself acknowledges her as the ruler of the Unseely Court and allows her certain liberties with torturing humans for pleasure.”

“Why me though? You didn’t stop the other Sacrifices...” Nora said.

Poppy gasped as though Nora had insulted the Queen.

“Forgive her brazenness, Your Highness,” Poppy said. “She speaks out of turn. She does not realize your motives do not need to be explained.”

The Queen held up a slender hand to silence Poppy. “I will allow her to speak. The other Sacrifices were not as dear to the Seely Court. You have been able to see us since your childhood. I suppose I took a personal interest in you. Abandoned at such a young age. A pity really. Please stay here tonight. See what life would be like at my Court. You will have until midnight to accept my offer for sanctuary. How does that sound, Nora?”

“I’ll stay ... but just to see if I like it here.”

The Queen smiled, revealing pearly white teeth. “I’m sure you will find our court hospitable. Keep in mind that after tonight, my offer for protection will be revoked. If you do not accept my offer or leave my court this evening before midnight you forfeit the offer for sanctuary. Do you accept these conditions?”

Nora nodded but felt like the Queen was hiding something from her.

“Poppy, alert the attendants. We will hold a feast tonight in Nora’s honor.”

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