Beauty Is Pain- Part 1

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“Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.” –Rainer Maria Rilke

A rapid knocking came from the door causing Poppy and Nora to jump.

“Come in,” Nora shouted.

The door swung open and a small red-headed Fae walked in carrying a golden case. Her ears stuck out of her hair and curled upwards. Elaborate makeup decorated her face, making her look more like a clown than a faery. Nora wondered if she would be pretty without her neon pink lips, pasty white face, and bright blue eye shadow.

“Nora, this is Hazel. She’ll be de-knotifying your hair and doing your makeup for the feast,” Poppy said. “She’s the best in the entire Court. Does the Queen’s own hair and makeup. You are lucky to have her.”

Nora tried to not look frightened as Hazel started poking her face with long fingers and pulling at her hair.

“First time I will have made up a human,” Hazel said. “The skin is so bouncy ... hair a little stringy ... magic may have a hard time sticking. But not to worry, I have taken care of the Queen since she took the throne. If anyone can transform a human to something beautiful it’s me,” Hazel said, proudly.

Hazel unlatched her golden box and several ointments, creams, rouges, and brushes appeared. “Sit over here.” Hazel motioned to the vanity next to the bed and Nora walked over and took a seat.

Glancing in the mirror, Nora wondered if Hazel would make her look like a clown with bright eye shadow and lipstick.

“Stay very still,” Hazel said as she approached Nora with a vial of thick pink liquid. Uncorking the glass, Hazel dribbled the pink liquid on a cloth and dabbed the liquid on Nora’s lips.

Fire spread across her mouth and she shrieked from pain. “What’s in that? Are you trying to burn my lips off?”

Poppy and Hazel laughed as Nora rubbed her lips and tears filled her eyes. The pain was lightning hot and intensifying by the moment.

“Beauty is pain, my dear,” Hazel said. “But not to worry, it’s just a little rattlesnake venom, a pinch of cayenne pepper, lavender oil, and cinnamon. Your lips were desperate for some plumping. The pain will subside soon but the effect will last all night.” Hazel winked at her, but Nora could barely see her through the tears filling her eyes.

“You put rattlesnake venom on my lips? Are you crazy?”

“Pain is a small price to pay for a pretty face. You can hide much behind a pretty veneer,” Hazel said with a smile. “Now, to bring some color to that lackluster face.”

Bracing herself for more pain, Nora grimaced as Hazel massaged an oil that smelled like gardenias into the apples of her cheeks. A warming sensation grew that felt very similar to blushing. Looking in the mirror, Nora noticed it looked like she was glowing from the soft pink color spreading across her cheeks. The effect wasn’t bad at all. In fact, it made her eyes look a little more green than usual.

“Now we’re getting somewhere,” Hazel said. “That warming sensation on your cheeks will last all night. It keeps the blood circulating and the pink color there for at least 24 hours. Also, keeps ones face warm in the cold.”

“Lookin’ good, Nora!” Poppy said, as she fluttered over to the vanity and sat in front of the mirror to watch.

“Er... thanks.”

“Such pretty eyes,” Hazel said. “They don’t need much. Close them, please.”

Nora did as she was instructed and batted her eyes closed. She felt a soft brush touch her eye lashes and Hazel’s finger dabbing cream on her eyelids.


“Ohhh...” Poppy said, as Nora looked up. “Look in the mirror!”

Nora looked up and barely recognized herself as she gazed in the mirror. Her normal greenish-yellow eyes looked golden with tiny specks of green. Whatever Hazel had put on her had made her eyes look otherworldly.

“Stop admiring yourself ... We’re not even done with your hair yet. You’ve not seen anything yet,” Hazel rolled up her sleeves and took out Nora’s hair tie. Her knotted hair falling down below her shoulders in a tangled mess.

“I did that!” Poppy said, pointing to the knots. “Pretty good work, don’t you think?”

Hazel laughed as she quickly ran her fingers through Nora’s hair and untied the tiny knots. “It added some curl.” Reaching back into the golden case, Hazel brought out several pieces of bronze and coiled various pieces of Nora’s hair around them, creating loose waves.“One last thing,” Hazel said, reaching for a spray and applying it to Nora’s hair. “This’ll bring out the blonde.” The smell of jasmine filled the room as Hazel finished. “All done.”

Nora gasped as she looked in the mirror, barely recognizing herself. Her hair looked like gold, bringing out the green specks and golden hue of her eyes even more. Poking her lips, Nora was glad to see that she didn’t look like she’d just been stung by bees, instead they were just a little plumper than normal and looked slightly pink.

“Pops, are you seeing this? I look ... pretty.”

“Well for a human,” Hazel corrected.

A knocking came from the door and Poppy fluttered over to answer it. Grumina stood in the doorway and handed over a green gown with golden lace bodice to Poppy. “Here’s the dress. Let me know if you need any changes before the feast.”

Hazel closed her makeup case. “My work here is done. I’ll leave you two to prepare for the feast.”

The door clicked behind Hazel as she scurried out of the room.

Nora picked up the dress and went behind the wardrobe divider and to change. “How does it look, Pops?” she asked, stepping out to show off the gown.

“You could pass for a Fae looking like that, Nora. Really ... it’s just beautiful. If you were a few inches taller you would look like one of the royals.”

Nora barely recognized the reflection in the mirror. She didn’t look like a foster kid. Poppy was right, she looked just as fancy as any of the Fae she had seen wandering the passageways.

“Are you ready to go, then?” Poppy asked with a grin as she bounced up and down on the bed.

“I guess so,” Nora said, still feeling a little unsure of her new look.

“Stick close by me. And remember, you have until midnight to make your decision about accepting the offer for Sanctuary.”

“I know, I know,” Nora said.

“Okay then. Follow me, the feast is starting soon.”

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