Beauty Is Pain- Part 3

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Poppy began to shake when she saw Lord Ardan. “Poppy, leave me and this human girl alone for a moment.”

“The Queen said I must always accompany her. I can’t leave you two alone.”

“I’m of royal blood. I don’t think the Queen will mind...”

Poppy hesitated a moment before nodding her head and fluttering away. Nora leaned against the gray stone wall and looked at Lord Ardan who was looking past her and appeared lost in thought. She tried to compose herself, his exaggerated features were foreign yet handsome, softened by the shadows falling on his face.

“What is it that you want?” he said looking at her with hate in his eyes.

“Excuse me?” Nora’s mind cleared as he studied her.

“That show you put on out there! Isn’t it enough that you are the guest of honor? You feel the need to embarrass me in front of my Queen?”

“I was trying to keep you from having to kill your sister! I thought you wanted to thank me.”

“Because of you my sister has now had to seek refuge at the Unseely Court.”

“Because of me your sister is alive and you aren’t a murderer!”

“You know nothing about murderers.” A dark shadow fell across his face. “You wouldn’t know one if you looked him in the eyes.”

A cold chill swept up Nora’s spine. The thought that the Queen may have had him kill other creatures had never occurred to her. “You weren’t going to do it. I saw you hesitate.”

“You’re right,” he sighed. “I wasn’t going to kill her ... I was going to hand Nia the sword and have her sacrifice me instead. I came to thank you on behalf of my sister. She asked that I speak to you. She said she could never have done it. What do you want as repayment?”

“Repayment? What are you talking about?”

“Oh, you are clever. I saw you answer that riddle. You know I’m indebted to you now for saving a life. Ask me to do anything or to answer anything and it will be done. Is this not what you wanted?”

“What? Of course not! I don’t even know what you are talking about...”

“Oh, don’t be bashful. What do you want most of all?”

The realization that he was being dead serious hit Nora at once. She took a step back and thought for a moment. “I want to know why the Queen wants to protect me. The real reason she is offering me Sanctuary.”

“I cannot answer that but I know who can. I can take you to her. But it is outside the Court walls. We would have to make sure you are not seen.” Lord Ardan thought for a moment before continuing. “The Queen is always asleep by 1:15 a.m., I will meet you right here in an hour and a half. And don’t wear that dress. Where we are going you need something you can run in if necessary.”

Nora took in a deep breath as the weight of what he said struck her. “Okay, I’ll meet you at 1:15, outside my door.”

The Queen's Riddle: A Faery StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant