02 | those sad eyes

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In the midst of chaos, a glimmer of hope emerges from the unlikeliest of places

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In the midst of chaos, a glimmer of hope emerges from the unlikeliest of places. It beckons to those astute enough to recognize its worth and bold enough to seize the opportunity it presents. For those who falter, they are left with a stark reminder that opportunities, like fleeting moments on the tide, do not linger for those who hesitate.

 For those who falter, they are left with a stark reminder that opportunities, like fleeting moments on the tide, do not linger for those who hesitate

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Ayan was taken aback the first time he encountered Sarah. She exuded an aura of solitude, distinct from everyone else around her. Her chestnut locks cascaded over her face, veiling her features, and she seemed to confide only in the whispers of her own thoughts. Her eyes, a reflection of profound loneliness, tugged at Ayan's emotions, compelling him to bridge the gap between them. However, at that moment in time, she remained an enigma beyond his reach.

Every time they coincidentally crossed paths in the laundry room of his apartment building or in the dimly lit corridor, she maintained an aloof demeanor, never once acknowledging his presence. However, unbeknownst to her, she held a prominent place in his nightly reveries and occupied a significant portion of his waking thoughts. Upon returning from work each day, he would linger in the hallway, propped against the large window overlooking the bustling street below. Engulfed by tendrils of smoke from his cigarette, he gazed intently at the door leading to her apartment, silently beseeching the divine forces above for just one fleeting glance from her direction.

He initially mistook his feelings for the girl with sorrowful eyes and a captivating smile as mere attraction. Their first encounter took place in the bustling parking lot where he accidentally collided with her, causing vegetables to scatter across the pavement.

"I'm terribly sorry," Ayaan quickly expressed his regret, watching as the produce rolled away. The girl was swift in gathering them up, her movements hurried yet graceful as she attempted to salvage what she could.

"Here, let me assist you." Despite her focus on the task at hand, she didn't acknowledge him, prompting him to clench his fist in frustration before kneeling beside her. Retrieving a stray tomato from beneath his car, he explained, "I truly didn't mean to bump into you. I was preoccupied with my phone and failed to see you approaching. I had an important meeting that slipped my mind today, and my manager gave me an earful about it earlier..."

"It's alright, no need for apologies." Her gentle, slightly raspy tone cut through his anxious chatter, halting it in its tracks. Without even catching a glimpse of her face, he found himself ensnared by her presence. His gaze lingered on the back of her head, the only visible part aside from the cascade of silky hair framing her features. Clad in a modest flannel shirt and loose-fitting boyfriend jeans, she sported chipped nail polish in a shade of blue that beckoned him to repaint them for her.

What reckless impulse had possessed him?

Ayaan's hand hesitated above the potatoes, his fingers hovering close to the earthy vegetables nestled near his worn shoes. As he made a move to grasp one, another hand darted in simultaneously, causing a fleeting touch that sent a jolt through him. The sensation danced down his spine, a tantalizing shiver that was abruptly cut short as the girl swiftly withdrew her hand. In that split second, their gazes collided like crashing waves; Ayaan's eyes held a hint of infatuation while hers mirrored a mix of uncertainty, vulnerability, and an unexpected flicker of astonishment.

"I must apologize once more. It was not my intention to... well, I did intend to grab the potato, but what I'm trying to convey is that I never meant to come into contact with your..."

"Shut up," she interjected sharply, causing him to immediately fall quiet, his fingers raking through the tangle of his disheveled hair. A spark ignited in her eyes, breathing life into them, and a faint but charming smile played on her lips. "You ramble too much, stranger."

Ayaan's mouth quirked into a crooked grin, relying on the appeal of his dimples that had never let him down before. "It seems I have stumbled upon this peculiarity in my speech just now."

Her smile, previously as radiant as a sunbeam, vanished in an instant. Hastily gathering the handful of vibrant vegetables she had collected, she sprang up from her seat. Without giving him a chance to comprehend the abrupt shift in her demeanor, she darted towards the waiting elevator with determined steps.

Ayaan's desperate lungs burned as he sprinted towards the closing elevator doors, yearning for another glimpse of her face, a hint of her smile, or even just the sound of her voice. Despite his efforts, she was slipping away from him, the metal doors sealing off his chance to connect with her once more. "The name is Ayaan, Ayaan Bakshi!" His words pierced through the air, fueled by adrenaline and longing.

"Sarah Williams," her voice, tinged with a husky allure, lingered briefly before being swallowed by the elevator's departure.

Ayaan's heart quickened as the familiar cadence of her name reached his ears, resonating with the same intensity as the gentle brush of her fingertips against his skin and the subtle fragrance that always lingered around her.

He sensed the impending chaos, a storm brewing in the distance with thunder rumbling like giants playing drums on the horizon.

He sensed the impending chaos, a storm brewing in the distance with thunder rumbling like giants playing drums on the horizon

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what kind of secrets do you think Sarah has? do you think Ayaan has some of his own darkness?

this is a slightly short chapter but I hope it delivered the impact that it meant. Also, their story is not to be viewed with rose colored glasses. So, I hope you're prepared for it!!

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