21 | trance of tears

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Tears welled up in his eyes, their salty trail leaving a stinging sensation on his flushed cheeks

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Tears welled up in his eyes, their salty trail leaving a stinging sensation on his flushed cheeks. A surge of fiery emotions coursed through him, mingling with the pulsing of blood in his veins.

His thoughts slipped into a trance-like state, engulfing his mind with vivid images. He became a mere observer, helpless to intervene. The agony and rage Sarah had endured flooded his senses, causing his body to tremble uncontrollably. Clutching the sturdy bars tightly, he fought to regain composure amidst the overwhelming emotions.

Sarah's mother's unexpected confession shattered Ayan's world into a million fragments, each shard cutting deep into his being. As he gazed into her tear-filled eyes, a torrent of questions surged within him, yet the weight of her sorrow silenced his voice.

"I understand your unspoken inquiries," she whispered, anguish etched on her face as she wiped away her tears. "I am trapped in my own torment, drowning in remorse with every passing moment. There is no solace I can offer. Please, leave me be; I have no words left to give."

Ayan, overwhelmed by her pain and his own confusion, absorbed her words like heavy blows. The guilt that gripped him felt both unjust and all-encompassing. As he made his way out of the corridor, the echoes of her sobs reverberated in his ears, a haunting melody that weighed down his steps and constricted his breathing.

Emerging from the oppressive confines of the asylum did little to dispel the darkness that had taken root within him. Despite the bustling street enveloping him with its noise and movement, Ayan felt isolated in a sea of masked faces—each person a stranger in this familiar yet alien landscape.

Adrift in uncertainty, Ayan found himself paralyzed by indecision as he sat motionless in his car for what seemed like an eternity. With resolve slowly building within him, he ignited the engine without a second thought and set off towards one beacon of hope: his mother. In the midst of his inner turmoil, she stood as the sole pillar of support he could lean on in this storm of emotions.

Despite the proximity of his residence in the town, he made a conscious effort to avoid crossing the threshold into his own home. His departure had been swift and resolute, a direct reaction to his father's rejection of Sarah. What troubled him deeply was Sarah's longing for a sense of belonging within a family—a need that had always eluded her.

As he grappled with doubts about his mother's potential reaction, deep down, he knew that once she learned the dark truth he carried, she would undoubtedly offer her understanding. Desperate for her support in navigating the challenges ahead, he felt incapable of facing the impending situations alone.

On the way back to his house, his mind buzzed with unshakeable thoughts. Determination solidified within him; he was resolute on enriching her life and granting her the family she had long deserved. His singular focus was to instill in her a belief in the sanctity of family. As he parked outside his home, a wave of apprehension washed over him, tempting him to retreat. Yet, an inner voice persisted, urging him forward. With a fortifying inhale, he pressed the doorbell without hesitation. The door swung open revealing his mother on the other side, and in that moment, all restraint crumbled. Without a word spoken, he enveloped her in a tight embrace that lingered for an eternity.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?" his mother inquired, her fingers gently running through his hair as he rested his head on her lap.

"I don't know how to fix any of this, Mom," he confessed with a heavy sigh.

"How's Sarah holding up? It's tough for you, but you need to stay strong," she murmured, planting a tender kiss on his forehead.

"There's something I need to share with you, Mom. I'm not sure how you'll take it, but it's eating me up inside," he faltered.

"You're my child, and I can't bear to see you in such turmoil," she reassured him, cupping his face in her hands and locking eyes with him.

He poured out his heart to her, revealing the haunting secret that tormented him from within. The weight of his words carried a storm of anguish and fury, causing tears to cascade down her cheeks. The revelation struck her with disbelief, never fathoming such darkness could touch someone so close. This was no tale spun from imagination; it was a stark reality that had befallen a member of her own kin.

"Mom, Sarah needs her family," he said firmly, his eyes filled with determination. "She won't have to battle anything by herself anymore. Our family will be there for her, unwavering in our support. I'll talk to Dad; he welcomed Sarah with open arms when he found out about her condition. He loves you both dearly," she comforted, wiping away his tears. "Let's bring our daughter back where she belongs."

Ayan's shoulders relaxed as he emerged from his home, the weight that had been pressing down on him now lifted. In his hand, he held a small, intricately carved wooden box. Inside lay a delicate silver necklace with a sapphire pendant, something Sarah had admired longingly in a shop window months ago. With this gift, Ayan knew he had begun to ease Sarah's constant worries. This act was just the beginning of his unwavering commitment to shield her from the fears that haunted her every day.

Would the scars on her heart finally fade? Could she find her way back to him? Ayaan's mind was a whirlwind of uncertainty. Despite spending countless months in her presence, he still felt a chasm between them. How could he bridge that gap when Sarah seemed so distant?

 How could he bridge that gap when Sarah seemed so distant?

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