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^^ Aron's Adventuring Gear ^^

— Arcata, Dungeon Guild Hall, Anitra —

"Royal Decree by one Arden Arcata, yada yada yada bullshit, titles, more titles, none of which mean anything anymore because the Mageocracy no longer exists as it's Emperor is not in fact a Mage, yada yada yada, grants the Entertainment District of the Capital of Arcata, (more like the only territory in the 'Empire',) to one Duchess Anitra the Dungeon Master, tres bien, as her Ducal Territory, yada yada yada, granting one Royal Scribe to act as Governor, no thank you I don't require a baby sitter, and two Tier Four Knights to act as Bannermen and Captains of the Guard, once more no thank you, I'll handle it myself, keep your stupid little nose out of my guild, as well as a force of two hundred Tier Two and Three Soldiers as your house's military forces, I don't fucking trust a single one of them because the Royal Family has been trying to kill me for my entire life, why in gods name would I trust a single goddamned thing you give me? Stupid moron... this is Thereby Decreed by the Emperor of Arcata, titles and stupid shit repeated a second time. Great..."

I switched to the Armor's voice, handing the decree off to Aron, who had appeared next to it in full butler attire and an entirely new face, addressing the twelve, (now eleven, without the messenger,) intruders. "Alright, so, apparently I have no choice but to tolerate your existence, but recognize the reality that I do not trust you, will not trust you, and I have my own people, whom I do trust, who will be overseeing your actions and duties, as well as the actions of your many subordinates. You are a security risk, and you will not be removed from suspicion of said security risk until an undetermined period of time passes, alongside meritorious and trust-building achievements on your parts. You and your subordinates will also be barred entry to this building, as it is my Cathedral and Guild Hall, and all who enter must Pay a Toll unless they are members of my Guild. Just because the Emperor has decreed you work for me doesn't mean I accept you as Guild Members; you're not even faithful of Muradin, nor are you honest adventurers seeking your fortune within the Dungeon. Still, I will arrange for barracks for you, separate from the barracks I already have for the city's guard, and provide you food, shelter, and fair pay for your work. So long as you do not interfere with my work or the proper administration of my Guild and District, I will tolerate your presence and give you work to do to earn your pay. Do you all understand these terms?"

The two knights bowed cordially, one fist over their chests, before directing eight of the armored people behind them out of the room. This left only them and the Scribe, who was watching the Armor with a bemused expression, and now chose to speak, in an old, wizened voice. "Lady Anitra... I understand you've recently suffered a personal tragedy, and the loss of Lady Anitra the Storm hurts the country itself deeply; however, as a Duchess, you must-"

"If you're about to give me a lecture on manners, within twenty-four hours after my mothers death and TWO Royal Family-Directed assassination attempts in ALREADY, I swear to Muradin themself that I will banish you to a Shadow-Realm!" In the rafters, I saw Aric shiver at the mention of said realm, which he had experienced himself and found... life-changing, shall we say.

The scribe stopped talking immediately, paling slightly; apparently swearing something on a gods name was sign enough for him to take me seriously. After his initial recoil, he bowed cordially, keeping his eyes on the ground. "My apologies, Lady Anitra. I only mean to do my duties as your Governor."

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