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^^ Heron's Blade Trail Unique Skill ^^

— Nonith, Southern Wastelands —

Honey The Sweet, Archbishop of Purity for Muradin, and the Archbishop of the Order of the Tower, one of the most powerful beings on the planet, was in a bit of a pickle. She had first found herself levitating atop a group of bandits, surrounding an innocent caravan with a very odd carriage, then watched as in a few short seconds the entire situation was not only resolved, but done so with overwhelming force... and by a Tier Two Champion. Next, said Champion had altered the terrain to make a new hotspring, then continued on towards a distant Dungeon, apparently set on capturing that one as well.

Upon arrival, she erected a barrier to halt all interference, then dove into the Gate as soon as everyone was out. Some of the Adventurers tried to enter the barrier, but were rebuffed quite spectacularly by the Blade Dancer and the Death Knight, with the Blade Dancer using a Skill to create a dozen glowing replicas of her sword that followed the path of her swings, creating a barrier of swords before anyone who tried to attack. Honey debated interfering here, but decided to watch and wait, eying the members of the Thieves' Guild amongst the crowd with a disdainful grimace as they settled back down and halted their advances. These were the people who had been slowly, insidiously destroying the Order of Mana for almost 300 Years; she had lived twice that long. Her successor had made peace with them, of a sorts, by conquering them, which she approved of wholeheartedly, but some small, dark part of her wished there'd been more violence in that takeover, which was a very odd thought for someone called 'Honey The Sweet', but she quickly quashed it, as Anitra returned, not even fifteen minutes after diving in, with a dragon-man next to her carrying the Core.

"Well, honorable one, I believe I can say unequivocally that she is doing well... very well. I think that I will watch her for a bit before speaking to her."

((( Divine Message (Muradin): Do as you please; knowledge of her safety is difficult to come by for me until she gains levels, so- Ah, and there she just did... interesting. Bandits, and a Corsair? Why didn't the others assist? )))

"She ordered them to stand down."

((( Divine Message (Muradin): That sounds like Anitra, yes... she didn't seem to gain any XP from being hurt, so she managed to sweep them all? Ah, I see her methods, a Domain of Faith being used to spread a Smite out in a circle? Very interesting... ah, and now she's made a Seventh Arena in her Dungeon... she only needs a few more of those for Luxos' City to fly!!! )))

"Oh? How many more, Knowledgable One?" Honey The Sweet watched as a golden gate was created, then a building instantly erected around it, and hummed curiously. "And why are the Gates Golden now; we're you not turning them Silver?"

((( Divine Message (Muradin): ... Yes. Gold is her color of rebellion, it would seem. She changed them to Gold to spite me. )))

"Ahhh, I understand now. And it's not because they're technically not Dungeon Gates anymore, but rather Teleportation Gates?"

((( Divine Message (Muradin): No, she was quite clear and precise with her vernacular whilst detailing her reasonings. )))

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