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^^ Summoned Paladin of Muradin ^^

— Nonith, Southern Wasteland, Anitra —

Gained: 150% XP (x2) for Capturing (3) Tier Two Dungeons!
Gained: 150% XP (x2) for Capturing (1) Tier Three Dungeon!
Level Up x6! (->66!)
Spells Gained:—^
Enhanced Spells:—^
Stat Points: 72! (Distributed!)
Name: Anitra Arcata
Age: 12
Tier: 2
Level: 66(3%)
Tier 1 Class: Champion of Muradin
Tier 2 Class: Warlock (Pact of the Chain)
Dungeon Master
Health: 3720/3720
Mana: 3720/3720
Strength: 110
Dexterity: 120
Constitution: 200
Intelligence: 200
Perception: 170
Charisma: 130
Stat Points: 0
Mana Touched Eyes (Mana Sense) Lvl 1*
Breath of Mana (Mana Manipulation) Lvl 1*
Light Armor Mastery Lvl 1*
Paladin's Holy Armor Mastery (Heavy Armor Mastery) Lvl 1*
Paladin's Holy Shield Mastery (Shield Mastery) Lvl 1*
Paladin's Holy Weapon Mastery (Blunt Weapon Mastery, Staff/Spear Mastery, Sword Mastery) Lvl 1*
Architecture Lvl 5*
Bartending Lvl 1
Bartering Lvl 9*
Intimidation Lvl 9*
—Granted Spells—
Touch of Life (Greater Restoration, Holy Healing Hands, Heal)*
Anitra's Magic Butchery (Area) (Magic Butcher)*
Anitra's Hidden Vault (Area) (Magic Warehouse)*
Anitra's Greater Appraisal (Area) (Magic Appraisal)
Energy Drain (Area)
Mana Lance*
Mana Coffin (Mana Chains, Mana Barrier)*
Elemental Lance (Acid Lance, Fire Lance, Ice Lance, Wind Lance)*
Aura of Vitality (Wide Area Heal)*
Destroy Impurity (Wide Area Purify, Destroy Undead)*
Aura of Heroism (Wide Area Shield)*
Paladin's Strike (Area) (Holy Smite)*
—Unique Skills—
Muradin's Blessing (XP, Stat Points x 200%)
Draconic Arcana (Gestalt Magic, Demiplane, Dungeon Maker, Draconic Enchantment, Draconic Crafting)*
Pact of the Chain (Summoning Talent)
—Dungeon Management—
——View Dungeon (1(6))*
——View Familiars (36)*

Gazing at the changes to my Status, I scoffed softly at the pathetic attempts to appease me by Muradin; naming skills after me, upgrading some of my abilities, merging my Unique Skills for something even better, all appreciated, sure... but none of which made them forgiven for betraying me.

"Muradin still trying to talk to you?" Heron murmured, leaning against the tree nearest us as we took our rest and kept watch of the surroundings while everyone stretched their legs and did their necessaries.

"No, they've given up on that, thankfully... no, they're just tinkering with my Status; upgrading Skills, increasing my Skill Levels, stuff like that. Like giving jewelry to a wife you've cheated on, it's simply not being to fix things, even if I like the Shiny Stuff."

She laughed softly, shaking her head. "Never thought I'd be hearing someone compare a deity to a disloyal husband and it actually make sense, but I suppose here I am in life, eh?"

"Welcome, it's quite odd for me as well, we should make a club! Disgruntled Champions Anonymous: We've got 99 Problems, and our gods are all but One!!!"

She laughed full-belly now, covering her mouth as a full-on snort ripped it's way out of her like a pig in a manger, which only served as fuel for further laughter for both of us. I liked spending time with Heron, Aron's mother, because she was honestly a woman similar to me in many ways; we were the same age, (or at least, we had been before I was shunted into this world as a twelve-year-old,) our early-forties, we had similar attitudes, and we both had a distaste and distrust for society, just in general. "Mm... anyway, forget about them; where are we headed next in your weird, horseless carriage?"

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