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^^ Anitra's Pact of the Chain Alter ^^

— Arcata, Muradin's Tower, Anitra —

An irritating buzzing noise woke me up, the fourth day I had existed in this weird new world. Unlike my normal alarm, this was more like a vibrator that'd been left on and was slowly losing its battery, which confused me greatly, at first, until I opened my eyes and found my Status Screen in front of my eyes, even though I hadn't called it up.

Name: Anitra Arcata
Age: 12
Tier: 1
Level: 50(0%)
Class: Champion of Muradin
Dungeon Master
Health: 1760/1760
Mana: 1760/1760
Strength: 91
Dexterity: 50
Constitution: 126
Intelligence: 126
Perception: 91
Charisma: 50
Stat Points: 12
—Granted Spells—^
—Unique Skills—^
—Dungeon Management—^
Gained: XP 50% (x2) for Crafting a Summoning/Resurrection Relic (x5)
Gained: XP 25% (x2) for Summoning a Fae Creature (x2)!
Gained: XP 25% (x2) for Summoning a Deva!
Gained: XP 250% (x2) for Crafting a Lesser Empyrean of Muradin (Magic Knight)!
Gained: XP 600% (x2) for Crafting/Summoning (12) Humanoid Magic Familiar/Golems.
Level Up x3! (->50!)
Spells Gained:—^
Enhanced Spells:—^
Stat Points: 12!
Excess XP (1820%) Banked)!!! (Time Limit Till 10% Loss: 1:57:59...58...57)
Congratulations! You've Reached Tier Two!
Choose your Tier Two Class!!!
((( Divine Message (Muradin): You have several options; as a Champion of Me, you are a Mage/Paladin Subclass, so I'm sorry you can't be a Pure Paladin and get a Capstone Ability at Tier Seven. )))

I blinked slowly, glaring at the screen, then sighed a long, irritated sigh before dragging myself out of the bed. "What time is it, if you've decided that it's time I wake up and deal with this?"

((( Divine Message (Muradin): Your XP was about to disappear. )))

"What time is it?" I insisted, pulling on my pants and starting on my leather boots, which fit into my Plate Boots snugly, to prevent any moving around.

((( Divine Message (Muradin): ... It is 2:15 AM. )))

I paused, holding my boot laces, and sighed again, undoing the boot I'd already done and tossing them both back towards the pile of clothes at the end of my bed, followed by my pants. "Fucking gods who don't respect peoples' sleep schedules... stupid idiot... fuckin... grumble..."

((( Divine Message (Muradin): Are you finished? )))

"Shut up and let me choose a stupid subclass..." I groaned, rubbing my head, then yelped as I was dropped rudely onto my ass in a room full of mirrors. Each mirror, as I dusted myself off and observed them, seemed to show a different version of an armored individual with a mace, so I assumed each was essentially me, with a different Tier Two Class. "Hmph... could've just given me a fuckin' list... ferkacte Muradin... 2:15 in the fuckin' morning... fine, what's my choices, eh? This one has her Grimoire out, little crystal shields... some sorta defensive Mage? Meh, stupid, I already know Forcewall, take your ferkacte barriers up your ass... Fire Mage, you boring shmuck, pyromancers are worthless in an enclosed environment like a Dungeon; limited oxygen to burn means suffocation and breathing in ashes... Water Mage, equally basic, but somewhat more useful, except that in a dungeon there is no water source, so unless I bring a decanter of endless water with me, that's pointless... might still do that, actually; even if I have access to Create Food and Water, endless water could be interesting... except it has to come from somewhere, so it's probably a bad idea in a sealed room." The next mirror I found was just me, but with a glowing aura around it, like a passive effect, which I found intriguing. "And what's this one? Some kinda Paladin?"

To Rebuild a MageocracyWhere stories live. Discover now