Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Tom arranged for my things to be brought over from my hotel. I had a feeling this was actually Luke's doing but that Tom feared I'd refuse if I knew Luke would be going through my things, and I would have.

Ignorance is bliss however, so I didn't ask and he didn't tell.

Tom arranged for us to be upgraded to a suite since we were on our 'honeymoon' and my bags were waiting in the new room when we got there. I didn't bother to dress in last night's clothes for the move but remained in my bathrobe. Hey, if you're going to do the walk of shame, might as well go all out, right?

I got a few odd looks as we moved, especially from one couple in the lift, but Tom was having trouble suppressing his grin, which made me want to giggle and as soon as the other couple got out, we burst out laughing, like a couple of school kids.

"You realise if they talk to the press, they're going to twist this into me keeping you barefoot and pregnant," Tom teased, which made us both laugh harder.

We had decided to spend the next few days in the hotel room mostly, to sell the story that we were madly in love newlyweds. In reality, it was so we could both get used to each other and our new living situation.

We played cards while we questioned each other, taking it in turns to ask a question, the topics ranging from the important to know, such as family, to the kind of trivia loved ones might know, like preferred subjects in school, to the totally trivial, such as favourite ice cream flavours.

I was a little disconcerted to learn that Tom had two sisters and two living parents, meeting them was not going to be fun, but that could wait.

I learned that Tom has just finished filming a King Kong film but he had a movie premiering in LA 6 days later, so he had opted to come to Las Vegas (it's one of those places you have to see at least once, he said) rather than fly home then come back. Two 14 hour flights in 6 days wasn't fun, I agreed, I was only here for 7 days and I really thought it wasn't worth the hassle for one week. The only reason I had come anyway, was because this wasn't really a holiday.

I called my work on the second day and told them I would be resigning. Human Resources were very business­like about it and I emailed my resignation letter later that day. I had used up all my holiday but I still had some sick days, so they were going to see if they could get me out of working my two weeks' notice. If not, Tom would be attending his premier alone.

Ever hopeful though, Tom arranged with the concierge for a number of local shops to send dresses in my size for me to try on. It was kind of fun, playing dress up, and luckily none of the dresses had any prices on, so I couldn't freak out about the cost.

I had settled on a simple black gown but Tom insisted that I take another two that I was unsure about, but he loved. He assured me that there would be a lot of premiers and special occasions, so they wouldn't go to waste.

"This might all be for nothing," I warned, stripping down to my underwear to try on the last dress.

I felt a little shy about sharing a bed with Tom at night but I had no problem with him seeing me in my underwear, I wasn't naked and he'd seen a lot more than that the other night. I just wished I knew what the rules were on still sleeping together in this new pseud-o­marriage.

"Do you think they'll make you work out your notice?" he asked.

"I don't know. Honestly, I've been a terrible employee for the past year anyway."

"Was your mum sick for long?"

"About eight months, although she was okay in the beginning. She knew she didn't want chemo, she'd seen her Mum go through that and knew it would kill her quality of life."

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