Chapter Eight

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I was so excited. Today we were being photographed by Nigel West and a day of pampering was just what I needed. Photoshoots also have the added benefit of everyone wanting me to look my best, unlike paparazzi pictures.

It was an early start because we had a number of different looks to be photographed today, and it was in a very plush hotel suite, so we had a bedroom, living room, dining table and they had some pretty gardens and a terrace we could use.

We were also being interviewed throughout the day, the text of which would be available to many publications to use.

Tom and I laughed and chatted with the people there, a hair stylist, a makeup woman, the photographer's assistant and of course, the photographer and the journalist interviewing us. Tom needed his publicist there, Luke's company had arranged this after all, but he was busy with someone else so they had sent a woman named Kate to oversee the day. She kept mostly to herself, watching, listening, and intervening if and when questions became inappropriate. Tom often overruled her and agreed to answer anyway. This often left Kate exasperated with Tom but she took it in her stride. I guess she's probably used to unruly clients.

The whole process was eased by the wine available. I didn't have too much, we were here all day after all, but it did help relax me a little. I also partook of the nibbles. If all photoshoots had such a wonderful array of tasty treats available, it was a wonder the models could stay a size zero. Seriously there was a miniature prawn kebab thingy that while I couldn't determine what was in it, tasted like heaven.

In the morning we began in quite formal attire, being photographed in and around the living room of the suite. My makeup was quite heavy, with winged eyeliner that I can never manage to do for myself, and my hair was curled and bouncy. We had two changes of clothes, then came the bedroom set. The lingerie they wanted me to wear wasn't very revealing, a corset and knickers, then a sort of silky negligee, which I actually felt more exposed in.

They mussed up my hair up a little, artfully draped some clothes around the room, then had us adopt various poses.

Everyone kept telling me how amazing I looked, which I assumed was because they thought I was uncomfortable but it actually just felt weird and I would rather they ignored my state of undress. My discomfort made me laugh a lot, which I was always apologising for, but the photographer kept assuring me it was okay. He kept taking pictures while I giggled, so maybe he saw something he liked.

After that we wrapped up in the hotel's dressing gowns and posed in the bathroom, pretending to do our morning ablutions together, like a real married couple.

While that was going on, the photographer's assistant ran a huge bubble bath in the massive tub, our next set.

The hairstylist pinned my hair up in an artfully unkempt way, then they left us alone to undress and climb in the tub. I thought I might feel weird but I was confident in the bubbles ability to cover my assets.

We laughed, talked, clinked the wine glasses they handed to us, sat end to end, then my back to his chest. It was the quickest set so far.

They left us alone to dry off but as soon as the door closed, Tom tightened his grip around my waist to prevent me getting out of the tub.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked in a sultry voice.

I suddenly became very aware of his length pressing into my bum.

"Nowhere," I answered, relaxing back onto him.

"Good," he purred into my ear as one hand dipped down to tease my sex. "Because you can't expect to writhe on my lap like that and not get fucked."

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