Part 1

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I glanced again at my reflection, my knee length navy dress had been a good choice. Despite having the exact same dress in red, and preferring the red dress I had opted for the blue one tonight. I was hoping for demure and mature.

At just turned nineteen I had never felt the need to try to be anything other than myself, and in the six weeks I'd been casually dating John I'd never tried to act older - until tonight.

I still wasn't sure about leaving my hair down, I wouldn't describe myself as a tomboy but I was never a girlie girl. I had always gone for comfort over glamour, I'd opt for jeans and flats over anything else given the choice. I always wore my hair up, it was just far more practical and so much easier. I neither had the time nor the inclination to fuss about with curlers or straighteners, I am what I am was my general attitude to my life. Unfortunately my usual ponytail probably wouldn't cut it tonight, I was hoping to at least look my age not younger and with my hair up I often passed for fifteen, no that simply wouldn't be good enough tonight.

I checked my watch 6:45 I still had fifteen minutes before he'd be here. I'd been out with John every Friday for the last five weeks. We'd been the cinema twice, to a gig of one of his favourite bands, to a restaurant once and to a pub quiz with his best friend and wife. Tonight was going to be our last date, I had nine days and counting before I packed up my belongings and headed 200 miles down the motorway to university. We had both known the timescale we had and for that reason neither of us had wanted to get serious, after all what was the point?

I applied my lipstick one more time and opened the top button of my dress, nothing shouts sophistication more than a flash of cleavage I castigated myself and fastened it back up.

At seven on the dot John pulled up, I was ready with my coat on to go.

"Right that's me, I'm off out. I'm not sure what time I'll be in but I've got my keys and I might end up staying at Clare's so don't wait up" I called out to my parents as I rushed through the door. With little more than a week before I flew the nest my parents knew they had no chance of enforcing a curfew on me, and as long at they knew where I was they were ok with it - which, in this case they sort of did, so everyone was happy.

"Hiya" I said brightly as I jumped in the passenger seat of his car. "I could have walked round." I offered as he smiled back at me.

"No, don't be silly, besides you'd need to walk through the park and it's rough in there of an evening." He wasn't wrong, during the day it was filled with young families and dog walkers, a perfect spot for a Summer's day picnic. However, once evening came and the good people of the neighbourhood went home all the local teenagers congregated there. To be honest it'd only been a couple of years ago that I'd been one of those teenagers so it didn't bother me walking through. Christ I knew most of them, no scratch that I was friends with most of them.

As he concentrated on the road I looked at him from the corner of my eye. My friends couldn't see it, but to me he was so, so handsome. They criticised his curly dirty blonde hair asking why I hadn't made him get it cut. I always just shrugged it off, I thought it suited him and besides it's his hair he could do what he wanted with it. Their only concession was they assured me he had a good physique, I had taken their word for it, as our relationship hadn't involved me witnessing any parts of his body that weren't on show to everyone.

"You look different." He noted as he glanced in my direction before pulling away from the lights. I shrugged my shoulder as nonchalantly as possible. "Oh well, you look lovely though" he added smiling at the road. "I didn't see you in the pub on Tuesday, were you off sick?" He enquired still keeping his focus firmly on the road.

"No, it was my birthday so I went out with my friends." I said again casting a cursive glance over his profile, he looked young for his age and I was glad. Yes he was older than I was but he didn't look that much older that it looked weird us being together. But he was old enough for it to be noticeable but I didn't care.

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