Part 5

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By the time 4 o'clock arrived I was tingling with anticipation at the thought of seeing him. As soon as my replacement arrived for the evening shift I was out the door in a heartbeat.

It was a five minute walk to John's house but with my head full of warm delicious thoughts I was there before I knew it. Smiling brightly to myself I knocked on the door.

"Oh hiya" he said closing the door over behind him a little surprised to see me.

"Hiya" I replied, lifting an eyebrow at him expectantly. He lent down and kissed me on my cheek. We stood looking at each other for a long second until he spoke again.

"I'm really sorry" he explained, "Some of the lads have turned up to watch the footy..." He trailed off.

"It's ok" I smiled at him, "I'll see you later." I added casually as I pecked him on the cheek and turned to walk away. I wasn't quite sure how to take his rebuff, I mean it was him who had invited me round, it wasn't as if I'd just turned up unannounced. I guess what was bothering me was that he'd closed the door over, like he hadn't wanted his friends to know I was here.

"I'll see you tonight" he confirmed, grabbing my hand and pulling me back to him and into his embrace. With his arms around my waist he finally gave me the kiss I'd been expecting. As his lips moved over mine I could feel him pulling me closer and closer towards him, until our bodies were flush.

"I better let you get back." I noted pulling away from him.

"Hmmm" he agreed as he tightened his grip around me and kissed me again, pushing his tongue into my mouth and claiming me. I was again the one to break our contact, smiling at him I tried to catch my breath.

"Ok well I'll have to go" I said "I'll see you in the pub later." He held on tightly to me. "John" I began "I'm back in work at 7, I need to eat and get ready." I explained, on cue my stomach rumbled.

"I'm really sorry." He added awkwardly, finally releasing me to run his hand uncomfortably through his hair.

"It's ok" I lied, "I'll just see you later." He nodded his agreement.

"Will you stay tonight?" He asked.

"I cant" I explained "Surely you have work in the morning and I've promised I'll take my little brother out for the day tomorrow." I continued shaking my head. It was the truth but still a lame excuse. If I was being honest I was pissed off with him, I wasn't going to let him pick me up and put me down whenever he felt like it.

"Where are you taking him?" He asked, clearly not convinced of my reasoning.

"York" I confirmed. "He loves Vikings, because I'm leaving soon I promised him we could have a day out, just me and him. I told him we could go anywhere and that's where he's chosen." I shrugged my shoulders after I'd finished telling him.

I had arranged with my 11 year old brother, Martin, to get him up at 6, make him breakfast and then we were heading out for the day. He had been really upset when I'd told him I was leaving for university. Despite our age difference we got on really well and I was definitely going to miss him, but not as much as I knew he'd miss me. So as a way of making it up to him I'd promised him this day out.

I glanced at my watch it was twenty passed four, I still had plenty of time but I didn't want to stand on his doorstep all afternoon.

"I'll see you later." I nodded reassuringly, backing away, smiling at him as brightly as I could, trying desperately to hide my disappointment. He reached for my hand and again held it tightly, I could see him hesitating, thinking something through in his head.

"Fuck it" he said grabbing my hand and hauling me into the house. "Go and get your shower" he instructed as his half a dozen mates turned to see the commotion at the door. I smiled politely at them, even managed a little wave before scooting up the stairs.

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