Part 13

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Although we both tried to put the dramas of the evening and the inevitable heartbreak of the very near future out of our minds we spend the rest of the night subdued. It was the first night I'd spent with John where I hadn't fallen asleep exhausted after sex or woken knowing I'd be hearing the tearing of foil very soon. Surprisingly I wasn't disappointed, I instead relished the gentleness of his embrace and waking to find myself wrapped in the warmth and safety of his arms made me feel closer to him than ever. Sadly the realisation our time together was rapidly coming to an end quickly sobered my love addled brain.

"Can you stay tonight?" He asked as he slowly drew ever decreasing circles on my back.

"No sorry" I mumbled despondently, I knew he would question me further as to why I was unavailable so I continued to explain even before he asked. "Tonight is my last night in the pub and after we close they are having a little going away party for me." I didn't bother to try and hide the disappointment in my voice. "I'm sure you could come if I asked." I added hopefully, but I knew he would decline the offer.

"No no it's fine, I understand I can't take up all of your time before you matter how much I may wish to." He added playfully as he tickled the fleshy area around my waist. I giggled and squirmed under his touch. I was glad of the distraction and grateful he'd managed to lighten the mood between us.

The more I wriggled, the more he tickled me until I could stand it no more. I eventually managed to pull him on top of me hoping I'd be able to distract him. "Will I see you at all today?" I asked, conscious I was pouting a little.

"Aww will you miss me?" He teased bending closer and kissing me once lightly on my lips, although he drew back from me it was barely an inch, if I turned my face slightly our noses would brush together.

"Of course I'm going to miss you" I answered a little too quickly "I'll really miss you." I added honestly.

"Good!" He replied smiling, kissing me again just once. "Well we can't have that can we?" I shook my head enthusiastically. "I'll call into the pub later for a couple...after all I'll have to find something to do with my evening if I'm not doing you." A feigned shock at his comment but he laughed at his own joke heartily and again reached in and kissed me, only this time I wrapped my arms around his neck preventing him from retreating back. I held him close and kissed him back, letting my arms slip from his neck down his body to rest of his bottom.

He groaned into my mouth as I held him closer to me. "Ahhh Jen I've got to get ready for work." With his eyes closed he let his forehead rest against mine. "I should be up already." He added still without opening his eyes, I kissed him again, pushing my closed lips against his.

"Right then, you get ready and I'll make you some breakfast and pack you a quick lunch." I smacked him on his naked behind, the crisp slap sounded loud in the silence of the room. His eyes shot open in surprise and I didn't even bother trying to hide my laughter. Despite his efforts to look scandalised he couldn't help laughing back. For the next half an hour we both bustled around in our separate tasks but by quarter to seven I was kissing him goodbye on the door step before getting into my car.

My day was filled with sorting my bedroom. With the majority of my university things packed all that was left was for me to throw away things from my childhood I knew I would no longer need nor hold dear to me.

By six thirty I was sat at the end of the bar selecting my playlist for the evening for the final time. I kept an eye on the door hoping to see John come in but sadly by the time the clock reached seven and my shift began he had still not appeared.

The pub was unbelievably busy for a Thursday night, with the mixture of off duty staff coming in for the party and the followers of this week's band there was a constant queue at the bar. Just after nine though I noticed John and half a dozen of his friends at the door. I motioned for him to go to the far end of the bar and as soon as I finished the order I was doing I headed round.

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