Part 6

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"You'd better get ready." He said, all too quickly. It was six o'clock and I knew he was right. "I'll make you something to eat, what would you like?" He asked strolling naked towards the chest of drawers on the far wall of his room. I watched as he slipped on some underwear and turned to face me. He raised his eyebrow, letting me know he'd caught me staring at him.

"What?" I protested, "I was just admiring the view" a smile played across my face cheekily. He shook his head and again asked what I wanted to eat. I settled for a sandwich and as soon as he made his way down stairs I grabbed my bag and headed for the bathroom.

"Have you had enough to eat?" He enquired as I popped the last mouthful of cheese salad sandwich into my mouth, I nodded and finished off the rest of my cup of tea. "So you can't stay tonight?" He remembered from earlier.

"No" I confirmed, shaking my head sadly.

"Ok" he took my hand, entwining his fingers through his. "Come round tomorrow when you get back." He suggested hopefully, I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off. "It doesn't matter what time."

"Ok" I repeated.

"You'll stay?" He pressed.

"Ok" I smiled at him and gave his hand a squeeze.

With a triumphant smile he leaned over the table and kissed me gently on the lips, "Well I guess I'd better give you a lift." He looked at his watch "It's quarter to seven." I nodded and quickly grabbed my bag.

It took all of two minutes to drive from John's house to the pub, I could easily have walked but I was grateful for his offer to prolong our time together.

"So I'll see you tomorrow night?" He asked as I unbuckled my seat belt. "It doesn't matter how late." He confirmed.

"Definitely" I responded reaching over to kiss him before jumping out the car and heading into work.

By half eleven I was ready for bed, my bed. The last time I'd slept in it was Thursday so I left work with a spring in my step knowing I'd be fast asleep within ten minutes. The night had been long and boring, John hadn't been in all night, but his friends had. Several had made snide innuendos as I'd served them, rather than encourage them I ignored their comments and got on with my job. Chrissy, one of the barmaids over heard their comments and with her ears pricked back I knew she couldn't wait until she was alone with one of them to get all the gossip. I liked Chrissy, but she was so nosey and thought she knew what was best for everyone. She'd been dating one of John's friends for about a year so I was surprised she didn't already know about John and me anyway. I smiled to myself knowing being kept out of the loop would be killing her.

At the end of the night she'd rushed over to the far corner to clean her boyfriend's table and get the scoop off his mates. I'd over heard the word shower three times, I once again ignored them, busying myself with getting the place sorted.

"So what's this I hear?" She said sidling up to me as I continued to wipe the bar down.

"I don't know?" I replied innocently.

"About you calling round uninvited to John's for a little bit of 'how's your father'." I looked at her confused, I mean who says that?

"John invited me round for a bite to eat, whilst he was making it I got a shower, you know for work tonight." I shrugged as nonchalantly as possible. "Unlike some, I wasn't an uninvited guest." I clarified as I grabbed a tray of clean glasses and started to put them away.

"Well according to Phil and his mates..." She began, following me round the bar.

"Well Phil's got it wrong." I replied again distracted by the glasses.

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