Epiloge - John

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I held my breath wondering what she was thinking, all the time I was declaring my desires for her she hadn't said a word. Finally voicing my feelings had left me emotionally raw, each second she held her tongue seemed to stretch into an eternity. Although I'd told her I just needed to know how she felt about me I knew her rejection would devastate me. I'd no idea how I'd managed to keep it together for these last six weeks, I expected the hope, no matter how faint, the hope I could get her back had stopped me from spiralling into a deep depression.

Without realising I'd held my breath waiting for her reply, I pushed her again "Please, say something." I pleaded

I watched her chest rise and fall as she laboured to speak the words held on her tongue.
"If I speak" she whispered, not able to hide the strain in her voice "I'm frightened I'll wake up, and I'll feel just as empty and alone as I do every morning." Her words both sliced into me and ignited a spark of hope.

I'd been such an idiot, what had I done to her? I'd been so caught up in how much I'd been hurt I hadn't realised what she'd be going through. I shook my head, mentally castigating myself for the pain I knew I'd caused her, I'd broken her heart.

I watched as a lone tear meandered down her beautiful. "I miss you so much, sometimes I feel like I can't breathe." She continued barely audibly. I couldn't stand the distance between us any longer and although I knew I deserved the longing ache radiating throughout my entire body at that moment in time I would do anything to erase what I'd done to her. The sadness in her expression was too much for me to stand, I closed my eyes and gently touched my lips to hers.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I whispered pathetically, relief swelled as she didn't pull away from me. I longed to hold her in my arms and prayed as I reached for her she would let me. "Tell me how to make things right." I begged.

"Kiss me." Her words crashed into me releasing the anchoring dread I'd been carrying with me since I'd learnt her address yesterday, I couldn't believe she'd forgiven me.

"I won't ever let you go again" I promised, knowing if I messed things up this time I wouldn't get another chance.

She leant into me, pushing closer to me so she was flush to me. My body ignited with the memory of the feel of her skin next to mine and I fought the urge to peel her bath robe from her, I didn't want to push my luck. Sensing my apprehension she moved my snaking hands from around her and placed them on the loose knot.

"I need you" she said as her eyes seared into mine. I felt my pulse race as I slowly undid the tie and reached my hands inside her robe. I closed my eyes and took a few steadying breaths, my hands rested on either side of her waist virtually encircling it, I was again reminded she'd lost weight, too much weight. A pang of guilt tore at me. I opened my eyes and looked at her hoping she'd understand the gamut of emotions swirling inside of me. A faint smile played across her face as she reached for my shirt and set about undoing the buttons. Once she'd made short work of my shirt she reached for my jeans and unbuckled my belt and pants. Despite the overpowering surge of desire racing through me I was locked in place, unable to move.

I shuddered as her hands gently moved up my chest, warmth spreading from the caress of her touch, a low moan escaped my lips. Before her hands slowly started their decent she glanced a kiss across my mouth

"I love you" she whispered into my open lips. Her words breathed me into motion, one hand moved from her waist to cup her breast, I marvelled not for the first time how it fit perfectly into my hand. I let my thumb brush across her nipple, hardening the areola instantly. I had always loved how responsive her body was to my touch and as my other hand reached lower, between her legs I wasn't disappointed to find she was ready for me.

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