Across Time - Part 1

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The once lush green fields were now replaced by a battlefield, desolate and bereft of warm hues it once had. Multiple individuals lay still on the scorched terrain, devoid of life as their empty eyes gazed at the sky. But everyone looked in a single direction.

A girl made her way through the large congregation of individuals who stood with their backs against her. The once mortal enemies stood shoulder to shoulder with their eyes downcast, as they gazed upon the sight before them.

Asuras, Alacryans and Dicathians regardless of their origins or the history between them, had managed to forge bonds that transcended hate. Comradeship, companionship and love, something so farfetched yet with the help of the two individuals before them, seemed within reach.

The scent of metal lingered in the air, as it caressed everyone, reminding them of the things that they had lost due to the ambitions of the false gods. Yes, Agrona and Kezess had been defeated, the people once following them disappointed in themselves for being manipulated.

The girl looked no older than 14, with obsidian horns and her pale wheat hair swaying due to the cold winds that blew across the empty field. Her black dress that looked like scales reflected the emotions of everyone present. No one dared to look into her eyes, as one emotion burned within their souls.


The only sounds that were heard was the low crunch that her foot made against the ground as she took heavy steps towards her destination. Soon, familiar faces could be seen closest to where she was headed. But none of them registered as she saw two forms on the ground in front of them.

Her grandmother and surrogate grandmother sat beside them, trying to maintain their bodies through vivum which was visibly breaking down. Her papa's mentor sat behind them, as he held her sister figure who had fainted due to exhaustion from crying. He could not break down, not when his only disciple had entrusted his mother and sister to him.

She knelt beside the two figures.

"Papa...mama," her voice came out as a pained whisper. Those who heard that voice couldn't help but break down watching the scene unfold before them.

"S-Sylv?" "Sylvie?" Arthur's and Tessia's voice came out in a hoarse tone. The battle had taken a huge toll, having blinded them due to extensive use of visual arts.

"Yes I-I'm here. Everything is going to be alright now," she said knowing all too well that they only had a few seconds left.

"Where-e Sylv? I can't see you," Arthur raised his hands trying to reach his daughter, his voice quivering, being scared that he was imagining things. Scared remembering the time she sacrificed herself, thinking he's just dreaming.

"Sylvie," Tessia did the same as her trembling hands reached out.

Sylvie bit her lips, drawing blood, as she took both of their hands. She shuddered, feeling the coldness of their skin. Placing their palms against her cheeks she muttered "I'm here,"

Faint smiles formed on both Tessia's and Arthur's lips as they caressed the cheek of their daughter, relieved that she was alive. Warm tears left her eyes as it flowed down her face and through their fingers.

"Don't cry my love. Your mama and I will always be with you," Arthur said as both of them wiped the tears with their thumbs.

"Art's right Sylv. We will always be with you, our beautiful daughter," Tessia said as she traced the features of her daughter's face with her palm. She could feel Sylvie's face trembling, barely holding from breaking down. Even though they couldn't see their daughter, they knew she was in pain. Her presence eased their pains but they could feel the seconds they had left trickle away.

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