Across Time - Part 2

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Luna Lumen POV:

"My name is Luna Lumen, and I'm honoured to stand here as this academy's Student Council President."

The crowd broke in a bundle of whispers and excitement as soon as those words left my mouth. Now I understand why Director Katherine Bladeheart asked me to attend the affinity test even though it had already been done beforehand. People tend to question authority, so one of the ways to reduce it is to preemptively showcase abilities, especially since I'm a first year. As soon as they settled down, I continued.

(A/n : A bit of copy-paste of the speech)

"While I may be a first year as all of you are, having given the privilege to be inside the academy a year longer made it all too apparent to me that there is deeply embedded discrimination against the scholar mage students by the battle mage students. I, for one, will not tolerate any sort of aggression or bullying based on the trivial fact that one is a scholar mage student."

"Starting this year, while uniforms and the upper division courses required may be different, for the first two years, general education that contains a mixture of both scholar mage classes and battle mage classes will be mandatory, for better assimilation between the two different types of students. After the two years are up, one may choose to switch their education specialization by taking a test, although it will be quite a difficult one."

(A/n: Ends here)

The crowd grew noisy at this speech as everyone knew since the war, the importance of scholar mages increased, since understanding of mana and aether was accomplished more by the Scholar mages section than battle mages. The tables flipped, the battle mages being discriminated against now.

Releasing a bit of my aura to control the crowd, I could see as the crowd went silent, as everyone's face paled. I never understood why my intent is so strong, even the Director can barely hold herself when I release a bit of it.

"That speech was done in honor of Tessia Eralith, the first triunion president of this academy. Now that it's over, I shall reiterate some things. I will not tolerate any form of misbehavior from students, especially from scholar mages against battle mages. Remember that during the war, they were in the forefronts. We might be in a peaceful era, but that doesn't mean they should be looked down upon. Any form of duel without the presence of a teacher is prohibited if there is a core stage difference of two or more. Now the Vice President shall take over."

I stepped aside as I let my thoughts drift to my life. I woke up as a baby, somehow fully aware of my surroundings and a lingering feeling that a vital part of me is missing. My thoughts clearly weren't of a kid and my knowledge regarding everything was already present.

Following my instincts, I joined Xyrus and requested to be a president, as something told me I'd find my answers if I do so. The name Arthur Leywin used to evoke a plethora of emotions in me, as if he's something more to me.

'No, not again.'

Trying to distract myself, I scanned the crowd out of curiosity. Everyone was staring at me mostly, but one set of eyes caught my attention. Bright azure eyes looked at me in hope, as his face showed relief, happiness and worry all intermingled together. The noise of my surroundings drowned out as I felt the same longing that I always feel when I read or think about Arthur Leywin. The surroundings came to a standstill as we looked into each other's eyes, my heart threatening to burst out of my ribcage.

'Who are you?'

I was pulled out of my trance as the students applauded after the speech. As we were done with our announcement, we prepared to leave the stage. But before we did, I had one last look at the boy while also checking his core stage. My eyes widened to find an initial silver core, the only one apart from myself to have reached silver at the age of 13. I was still a stage ahead of him, due to my unusual affinity to mana itself.

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