Unravel Part 2

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Plot changes: Alacrya is a friendly continent.

Warning: Mentions of self-harm and slightly explicit content. The characters are aged up.

Forest Of Elshire

It has been a few days since Tessia had entered the royal teleportation portal. Ever since the abduction, she never dared to use it alone. They say the scars one gets when they are young, however trivial it may be, leave a deep impression.

But she could enter it, to visit her most cherished places as a kid, when Arthur was holding her hand. His touch gave her a sense of security that she never thought she'd get from someone else, other than her family. But this time, it was evident how important Arthur had been to her, always being there while holding a lot of guilt and burdens.

She knew all of his secrets now and finally understood Arthur. Why he always felt conflicted when she approached him with her sincere emotions. Why he always risked to protect them even without any regard to his own life.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she arrived at a place, a place she knew all too well. It was where her knight in shining armor had rescued her, when she was just a five year old kid. Thinking back, he did so even without knowing she was a princess, so why did her parents even doubt him?

She could see the place where he comforted her, with a smile even when he had just lost his grandma figure and didn't know how his parents were doing. She could feel her eyes sting at all those memories bubbling up within her. She was on her way to find the cave Arthur had mentioned when he was training with her in Xyrus, when he had revealed to her of Sylvie's origins and about Sylvia. She knew how important Sylvia was to Arthur and how he considered the dragon family, and her heart was telling that she would find him there.

Giving a last look at the place, she set out to find him. But it was not until a few days of wandering did she run into a pitch-black dragon hunting for food. The pure joy in the dragon's eyes upon seeing Tessia knew no bounds as it jumped on her, transforming into the similar black little beast, landing in her arms.

The black little beast chirped painfully, letting out pain and sorrow she had experienced watching her papa suffer. Tessia was no better, wailing as she too had collapsed on her knees holding Sylvie close to her heart.

"I missed you, Sylv. I missed you so much!"

"Kyuu! Kyuuu!" came a reply as if telling it was the same to her.

They sat there, sharing each other's warmth as the forest stayed silent as if giving them their moment. After a few minutes, Sylvie shifted, breaking them out of their trance.

"Where's Art? Why are you hunting alone Sylv?" asked Tessia with a hint of concern in her voice.

Sylvie just jumped off her and shot her a look telling her to follow. Tess was relieved seeing how Sylvie was normal and not showing any signs of worry. Soon after they reached a pile of rocks with a narrow slit enough for a person to slip through. Sylvie passed through it followed by Tessia. Watching Sylvie jump down, Tessia used wind mana to slow her descent.

What she saw before her eyes made her heart stop. Beautiful trees stood tall among the lush gardens that stretched across the whole area. A waterfall could be heard around a corner as mana, so rich it almost made her feel intoxicated, filled the surroundings. Mysterious fruits grew out of the walls as they emitted a strange aura.

The place was so beautiful that the training grounds in the academy didn't seem that pretty anymore. She followed Sylvie around the corner to find him, cleaning up in the waterfall.

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