Chapter Six - Promises

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[system online]

[entering Y/N's mind]

[the next morning]

Night City | Rebecca's Apartment

A beam of light points at Y/N face, waking him up

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A beam of light points at Y/N face, waking him up.

[Y/N]: Mmmmm...

Y/N tried to stretch and move but something was weighing him down.

He looks down to see Rebecca on top of him, resting on his collarbone under the blanket.

She had her hair down and both of them are half naked.

Rebecca was sleeping comfortably, with a satisfied look on her face.

He moves her hair off of her face to get a good look at her.

"How can you be so adorable right after what happened last night?"

Without waking her up just yet, Y/N goes into deep thought.

Having so many questions.

"Wait... we're not even a thing yet... What does that make us?"

"We only met two or three days ago."

"Is this a one-night stand? No, I'm not leaving."

"But we had sex before a relationship."

"Wait- I lost my virginity?!"


Now thinking about irrelevant topics.

[Rebecca]: Mmmm... Y/N... deeper...

[Y/N]: Ah.

As she moves around, making her knee accidentally rubs his lower region.

Rebecca was sleeptalking, making Y/N remember everything that happened last night.


He became flushed and turning beet red, unable to keep it much longer.

"Yep, definitely time to wake her up."

He decided to wake her up by rubbing her back.

She squeezes her eyes before lazily opening them, adjusting to her surroundings.

[Y/N]: Good morning sunshine.

She was greeted by Y/N. He had a wistful smile on him, though a bit flustered in the mix.

Rebecca turns a bit red but regains her bold personality back.

[Rebecca]: Goodmorning~

She rests her chin on his above his chest, grinning.

Not Meant To Be | Rebecca x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now