Chapter 10 - The Sky Is Singing

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Port of Lelystad, Paganda
29 September 2019
21 February 1639

Port of Lelystad is one of the two largest ports on the island of Paganda. It was the main port used to transport goods and resources from and to the industrial sectors on the western part of the island. Although it was common to see warships lying anchored in here, seeing many of them at the same time was rather uncommon.

"So many people's gathering here," Jonathan said while looking at the harbor.

"Yeah, you could say that again, sir," Corporal André Patou said while looking at his phone, increasing the brightness level before tapping the camera icon and starting taking photos and videos.

Jonathan, who looked at his supposed guardian, who was busy taking photos and videos in the middle of his work can only sigh before asking, "Have you not taken any pictures before?" He asked with a confused face.

Patou, who was just taking a video of their surroundings which was full of goods from another part of the world, surprisingly was also confused with the question. Although, for sure he had taken some photos from the time when they started to lay anchor in this harbor into this time, he still thought it was not enough, just like any young crews and soldiers on this Diplomatic Fleet. But, when he started to think again, Jonathan is kind of an old man, and he was born in a time when phones with cameras weren't even a thing yet, even cameras were rather rare due to the fact that Erusea at that time was so busy taking more territories rather than improving the economy. So then, he kind of understood why this Diplomat didn't like to take many photos.

But the question now is, how to explain it to him?

Yet, he wouldn't need to think about it even further because an aide of Leiforian special delegates will approach them soon and say, "The ceremony will start soon. Please follow me into the location now, sir," the aide said with a hand gesture signaling to follow him, translated by a special device that Jonathan used to translate it from Belkan to Erusean.

Jonathan nodded as a sign of understanding what he just said and then followed him soon, followed by Patou on his behind.


On the ocean, it was just the same as usual. Some birds were flying above the ocean, accompanied by some dolphins who were jumping on the surface of the water, making it look like that both of those different species were on a race or something. Not far away from there, a fish that looked like a whale was shooting water from its nose.

Yet, starting from this day, the usual life on this ocean would starting to be different than before as some metallic ships were on their ways. It was a large fleet consisted mostly by warships from different countries, at least three when taking a look at those warships. One of it, who was flying a flag with rays on it can be immediately identified as a Milishian warship. And on the deck, two persons can be seen talking about something.

"I see, so your kid now is in Runepolis Magic Academy, just like his father, " said a person.

"Yeah, although he was quite hesitate at first, but now he seems to really enjoy RMA, " the father of the said kid answered with a smile on his face.

"So then, what do you think about this, Groza?" A person asked while watching the Erusean and Leiforian ships in front of theirs. Since he doesn't wear any militaristic uniform, it can be said that he must be one of the Milishian delegation group.

The person that he asked didn't immediately answer his questions since he didn't understand what he was actually asking.

"What do you mean Eoin?" He asked with a confused face.

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