Chapter 13 - Guardian

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Located roughly twenty kilometers east of the Holy Mrlishial Empire capital city, there stood a city called Enopolis. This city was unique in its own sense, probably the only one in the entire world, even though it only served as a home to roughly 20,000 people, according to the recent estimates.

From the outside, it seemed to be a normal city. However, upon entering and exploring it, one would realize that something felt different or even wrong. It wasn't governed as it normally should be. In fact, this city didn't even have a mayor or a council. Instead, it was directly ruled by the military. The people living in the city usually responded to inquiries about it with the same answer: "It all started right when the peace treaty was signed between Mu and Mirishial."

Immediately after that, the military headquarters were relocated to this city from Runepolis following a certain law that was passed through the Legislative branch. The specifically requested military headquarters, known as Pendagonia, became the largest military headquarters in the entire world, albeit smaller in size than originally planned. Being a new symbol for the Ministry of Armed Forces and the HME military in general, people and the media typically referred to the Ministry and Military leadership as Pendagonia.

And now, it appeared that Pendagonia is up to something. Not only concerning the Muan or other potentially dangerous countries in the eyes of the Milishian states, but even their own government… not surprising.

"Are all units already in their positions?"

The man who asked was none other than the Commander of the Holy Mirishial Armed Forces himself, Henry Erwin Eugene Keitel. Seated in his room, he patiently awaited the response from his officers, who seemed to be in a hurry, although he doesn't mind it.

"Yes, Commander. All of them are ready now, just waiting for the final orders."


"100% ready, sir!"

He nodded, somewhat surprised by the fact that all units were at 100% readiness. It was very interesting to him since the original estimates didn't even reach 80%. However, he didn't mind and appreciated it.

Then, he inquired, "What is the percentage of the Armed Forces who are with us and against us? Provide the latest data."

The officers immediately searched for the data and began calculating it.

"73% are with us. Almost all of the navy and air force units are joining us, including the Zeroth Fleet."

The fact that the Navy and Air Force were largely being neglected in favor of the Army and Super Weapons did not surprise him. However, he knew that a war could not be won by the Navy and Air Force alone.

"What about those against us?"

"16%, primarily from the army. It's worth noting that the 6th and 13th Frourón Merarchía are in this group."

"I see."

Those divisions, if he remembered correctly, were among the most well-equipped and battle-hardened divisions in the entire army. At least during this peace time, it was still worth taking note of their experience. Not only did they retain their status as elite units, but they also possessed the latest weaponry. However, there was another concern that needed to be addressed.

"Then, what about the remaining 11%?"

"They are the forces who are occupied in the far east."

The Far East region, specifically focusing on Parpaldia and Gra Valkas. Legitimately, he had just remembered that he had sent the 7th Fleet and some other division to there. He had already forgotten about it.


After asking a few more questions regarding the preparations, the meeting finally came to an end. A Marshal from the Air Force, judging by his uniform, commented, "I'm glad we could choose you without the intervention of those politicians."

"Yeah, it is a miracle honestly. I wouldn't be in this position without that Law," Erwin said with a small laugh.

"Right, I forgot that you're mixed."

Although he was an elf, as indicated by his pointy ears, he was generally viewed unfavorably by the Milishian politicians when it came to holding a position second in line within the Milishial Armed Forces due to his mix status. However, the politicians couldn't interfere in military affairs anymore since the law came into effect, and only the Emperor himself had that power according to the law.

"Thanks to the Emperor for signing that Law, although our weapons development still couldn't be secured, yet, at least."

"Yeah. Soon, we will gain control of this country, it deserves better than what it is now!"

While they're busy chatting, suddenly, an officer entered the room and eventually interrupted them.

"I'm sorry for just breaking in and interrupting your session Commander, but it's already the time for your speech."


Erwin stood up and walked up to the third floor located above him. As he ascended the stairs, he noticed a red carpet prepared for him, leading up to the podium where he would be watched by at least hundreds of soldiers and heard by most Milishian soldiers and officers located on the entire country including the overseas territories.

"Guardians of Mirishial and Guardians of Otril!"

The Milishian soldiers in front of him immediately snapped into a ready position upon hearing those words.

"The time has come for us to fix this country. Those filthy politicians have done too much damage to our beloved country, and they probably had been fraud by the Muan secret agent!"

The soldiers who heard this immediately recalled the recent corruption cases. Considering the logistical problems they had faced, it was beginning to make sense now. They were in power now, at least for the time being.

"But don't be afraid! Starting tonight, our country's destiny as a guardian of the world will be restored. Our nation's place and position will return to the top, and no one will ever dare to question it again!"

Claps could be heard from the officers watching from behind him, on the ground, and others on a nearby balcony. Some familiar faces were visible, including the Ministers who chose to support this movement.

"Now, my brothers, it's time for a new era to begin. There's no need for a soft approach when dealing with those who oppose us. This has proven to be fatal in the case of the Muans!"

In the eyes of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, this couldn't be more true. A soft approach before the war break out had gave the Muans time to consolidate and build their forces. The Ministry of Defense was furious for that, but they were just following the orders.

"Secure the capital city and other cities, especially the government buildings! Send the message to our Milishian brothers that the Golden Era will soon return!"

Erwin punched his fist into the air when he mentioned the Golden Era, followed by a resounding cheer from the soldiers on the ground.

"May Alkoum be with us!" he concluded, finishing his speech as he pressed a button on the microphone and took a few steps back.

Hearing the mention of the god of war truly succeeded in boosting their morale, even if they didn't fully understand why. With just that short speech, parts of the Milishian army, navy, and air force were now on the move toward targeted cities—whether due to their status, location, or other criteria that seemed important.

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