Chapter 12 - Two, Not One

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On the shore of Selatapura, more precisely on top of a certain hill, lies the most famous hotel on the entirety of the Usea Continent. The name of this hotel is Sentosa Resort, a luxury hotel that is usually visited by celebrities, businessmen, and government officials for meetings. And when talking about government officials, it was also counting on the leaders.

The last time a leader visited this resort hotel was during a summit between Erusea and Osea regarding the issues on ISEV and Selatapura, especially. It obviously didn't end very well, of course, as marked by the Erusean invasion on the following month. Disagreements on the main matters and anti-Osean sentiments were very strong at that time. Not only in Erusea alone but also in some countries on the Usea continent. Of course, the Erusean government didn't want to let this opportunity be wasted.

And now, it seems that another one is being taken again here, but with a different country and person.

There are currently three delegates in this hotel who are resting in their own section. For security concerns, they didn't need to worry as the Eruseans had told them that this place was heavily guarded. And it was true since they could see some tanks, although slightly different from theirs, sitting on the road accompanied by other vehicles and soldiers at the rear. Not to mention other unknown units that they believe are currently observing them from an undisclosed location. And probably, they are also listening to them through listening devices.

But that isn't the main point of concern for the Milishian delegation as the Eruseans seem to be unable to understand Milishian, only Proissen, a language mainly spoken in Leifor. Feeling safe, Lynch, the head of the Milishian delegation group, decided to open the meeting.

"This city isn't their capital!" exclaimed Eoin Lynch and paused for a few seconds to take a breath.

"And surely, they must be up to something... that is not good, of course," he continued before pressing a button on a device. From there, a screen emerged through purple rays, showing a presentation written in their alphabet, which Lynch believed the Eruseans couldn't read.

"Those large white birds that carried unmanned aircraft also seemed to be aimed at us during our arrival," a diplomat read the first sentence.

"And that dangerous air show at the stadium..." another one read the sentence below it.

"I don't know why, but I feel that the Eruseans are really looking for something. Perhaps they are really the envoy of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire and are intimidating us?" Groza pointed at the earlier assumptions about Erusea.

"That's... a possibility. But we really need to consider another possibility. Why is Erusea doing such things? It's not a good sign for their intentions, for sure. I mean, we initially suspected them as the Ancient Sorcerous Empire, and that's not good, but it can't be helped. I also heard from the Leiforians that the Eruseans promised to compensate for the losses caused by that white bird," Lynch said.

"Right, the Leiforians had mentioned it before."

The Milishian delegates began to discuss the recent actions by the Eruseans.

"At first, we thought they weren't actually the Ancient Sorcerous Empire or even related. But this whole visit just seems to intimidate us... or maybe that's the point?" Groza asked.

"Perhaps...we should expect something 'interesting' from the Eruseans tomorrow," Lynch said as he stood up and walked onto the balcony, trying to clear his mind and enjoy the scenery.

While the Milishians are prepared for the worst, the Leiforians are also discussing the same. Led by Erik, the Leiforian delegates are still wondering what the Eruseans want from them. They sat around a round table provided by the hotel, discussing it.

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