Chapter 14 - Resistance

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"Sigh, I didn't expect them to visit us this quickly," murmured Lynch, the Milishian diplomat, as he opened the door to their room.

Still, Groza, the technical officer who standing behind him, could hear it. And that is acceptable since they didn't expect it at all. While the Milishians were expecting something that the Ancient Sorcerous Empire might have said, it was completely the opposite. The Eruseans, on the other hand, were politely asking for permission to visit the Holy Mirishial Empire, although one of the locations they would like to visit seems to be... suspicious.

Even if the others are okay with it, they still couldn't just accept the proposal. The delegates still need approval from the States, and for that, a lengthy discussion needs to be held in the cabinet and Senate.


The door opened, and all of them began to enter the room. Lynch immediately sat on the soft sofa, and just as he was about to open and read the proposal again, his communication device started ringing. Looking at the name of the caller, it was quite clear: Fionán Hogan, his neighbor. He wonders what happened in Runepolis that made Hogan call him. After all, it's very unusual since it's not the first time that he goes overseas.

"Good night Hogan, what's up?"

"Hello. No need for chit-chat, I will get to the point!" his neighbor responded in a hurried and panicked tone, making him wonder what actually happened there.


"There's a coup d'état right now orchestrated by the military all around our country, although not all military personnel take part in it. But the majority, yes!" he explained, briefly but clearly.

"Ah yes... wait, hold on a second... what did you just say again?" Tanya Groza muttered while hitting the wall next to her. Her facial expression is hard to explain, but her colleagues know that something is definitely wrong.

"A coup d'état by the military. Now, listen to me, you shouldn't come back here now, no matter what happens, until the situation becomes clear and safe."

"A fucking coup!? Why hasn't the Ministry informed us yet?"

"Most of the Ministries are supporting the coup, but the citizens, they're very vague. Nevertheless, they might expect this coup to be quick."

"I-I see... Well then, we will figure it out. Stay safe."

"Heh, I'll be fine. I have my beloved TE-30. It's you who must stay safe."

When the call ended, he realized that all the delegate members had heard their conversation and were immediately surprised by what was happening in their country. Soon after he put his phone on the table in front of him, the delegate members slowly walked towards him, their bodies shaking and trembling. Groza, stuttering, asked, "Wha-what happened in the capital?"


20th March 1639

There are rumors regarding a secret Holy Milishian Armed Forces base located somewhere in the northeast of the HME, more precisely in the desert. There is nothing there but military aircraft and trucks that routinely come to and from that desert. This has led to a rumor that seems to be widely believed by the general population, even though the government denies it. Area 48, that's what the government called that area during the press conference. Since then, that location has been called Area 48.

Speculation has been growing rapidly since then, with both the public and foreign intelligence agencies wondering what might actually be there. They believe that it cannot simply be an ordinary military base given the tight security. Going there through the desert is as good as seeking death, and even if one manages to survive, they will be quickly discovered by the military. Taking the highway would immediately raise suspicion. At sea, it is guarded by military ships. In the air, there is a high probability of being shot down, as the military frequently shoots down wild wyverns in that area.

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