5 | Welcome Back

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"Season 1. Episode 4."

Henry Danger.

I made it back to the Man Cave successfully without being caught by my father, thankfully Schwoz didn't go telling on me. I snuck back into my room with quiet tip-toes, closing the door behind me as slow and quiet as possible.

A sigh of relief, kicking my slipper off and jumping onto my bed. I grab my book, taking out the book mark and picking up where I last left off.

Hours go by like seconds, I completely lost track of time. A notification on my phone clicks me back into reality, reading the time before the text.

My smile turns more into a painful frown, reading that it's 10:24pm. My eyes trailed down to the text below it, showing my dad has texted me.

My mouth stretched with worry, sliding on the notification to open his mouth text. He sent my name, but nothing else. I send him a couple of question marks, but to no reply.

After a few minutes still with no reply, I decide to go check on him. I groan, raising myself up from my mattress and sliding into my slippers.

Immediately my thoughts go to him knowing that I snuck out, causing me to grow a worried and sheepish expression.

I enter the main room, scanning all over for my dad. Though, my eyes fall on Henry and Charlotte standing behind him. My eyes widen, staring directly at Charlotte with shock.

She smiles to me awkwardly before I look over to my Dad, who was watching the monitors closely with the News channel broadcasting on the screen.

"Hey, Y/N. I deci—" Dad cuts himself off once he gets a look at my outfit. I raise my brows in confusion. "What?"

"Are those christmas pajamas? It's spring." he asked, shooting me a grimaced expression.

"They're comforting." I snarled at him. "So, why are they here?" I question, pointing a finger at my two friends.

"I've decided to give Henry his job back, and hire Charlotte as well." Dad explained as he stood up from his chair, placing his hand on Henry's shoulder and wrapping and arm around Charlotte.

I beam, clasping my hands together. "For real? That's amazing guys!" I congratulated, running up to the both of them to pull them into a big embrace.

Charlotte nods. "I know!"

I let go of the hug, turning my head back towards my dad with my expression modifying negatively. "But.. Why?"

"Well, they caught the phone shark." responded my Dad proudly.

"I, caught the Phone Shark; and they NEED me." Charlotte corrected him coldly, making me cackle at the confidence.

He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. And Henry gave me all the credit to help me out, because everyone's been giving me a hard time about not catching him."

I turn my attention to the other girl in the room with no hesitation. "So, you passed the pickle test?"

She scoffed. "Of course I did. It was easy."

Father's employee | Henry Hart x Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now