Chapter One

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In the dimly lit chamber of High Tide, the ancestral seat of House Velaryon, a soft cry pierced the stillness of the night, announcing the arrival of Lyanna Velaryon. The room, awash with the glow of flickering candles, held an air of tense anticipation as Lord Corlys Velaryon and Princess Rhaenys awaited the maester's verdict.

Rhaenys, her forehead beaded with sweat yet eyes alight with a fierce determination, turned to her husband, whispering, "A surprise, my love. After all these years, the gods have blessed us once more."

Corlys, standing tall yet with a softness in his eyes reserved only for his wife and children, took her hand. "Our little sea dragon," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "No matter the color of her hair, she is ours. Our blood runs through her veins."

The maester emerged then, a bundle cradled in his arms. As he approached, the whispers and murmurs of the room fell silent. All eyes were on the newborn, whose cries had now quieted to curious coos.

"Lord Corlys, Princess Rhaenys, meet your daughter," the maester announced, presenting the babe to them.

Rhaenys's eyes filled with tears as she beheld Lyanna for the first time. The babe's hair, a curious mix of dark brown with a streak of silver, caused a moment's pause, but it was the sight of her violet eyes that cemented the connection. "She has the eyes of a dragon," Rhaenys breathed, a smile breaking through her exhaustion.

Corlys leaned closer, his voice a soft rumble. "And the heart of a Velaryon. She will be strong, fierce, and unyielding. The sea and the sky will bow to her."

It wasn't long before rumors began to circulate through the halls of the Red Keep, whispers of doubt and suspicion regarding Lyanna's legitimacy. Corlys and Rhaenys, however, remained undeterred, their love for their daughter unshaken by the idle gossip.

One evening, as the couple stood by the nursery's window, watching the stars twinkle like distant fires, Rhaenys said, "Let them talk, Corlys. We know the truth. Our love has brought forth a miracle. She is destined for greatness, this daughter of ours."

Corlys wrapped an arm around Rhaenys, pulling her close. "Indeed, she is. We will shield her, guide her, and then watch her soar. Like the dragons of old, Lyanna will rise above all."

The gift of a dragon egg from Princess Rhaenyra only added to the mystique of Lyanna's birth. Although the egg never hatched, it symbolized a bond between the child and the dragons of her ancestors, a bond that her sister Laena and her brother Laenor nurtured with tales of dragon rides and adventures in the skies.

"Lyanna," Laena would say, her eyes sparkling with excitement, "even without a dragon of your own, you carry the spirit of Vhagar within you. Brave, powerful, and majestic."

Laenor, ever the doting brother, would add, "And I promise, little sister, the thrill of the wind in your hair as you soar above the clouds is a joy you will know. I'll see to that."

Years later, the tales of Lyanna Velaryon would travel far beyond the shores of Westeros, inspiring songs, stories, and even the naming of future generations. In the North, Cregan Stark would speak of her with admiration, ensuring that the legacy of the sea princess would live on in the hearts of the Starks for centuries to come.

Lyanna Velaryon's story, marked by intrigue, rumor, and the undeniable strength of her lineage, was only just beginning. Her journey, intertwined with that of the Targaryens and the tumultuous history of the realm, would be one of adventure, love, and, above all, the unbreakable bond of family.

     Seated beside my mother, Princess Rhaenys, in the gardens of High Tide. The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers, a gentle sea breeze weaving through the leaves and whispering secrets only the two of us could understand. It was here, amidst the beauty of our ancestral home, that the topic I had been dreading finally surfaced.

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