Chapter 17: The Imperial Coup

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Washington DC

The White House

The Oval Office

The United States of America

A couple hours later

The 7Eleven is now filled with the Police, Swat, FBI, National Guard and the CIA.

When news broke out that another attack happened on DC happened people were shocked.

They were even more shocked when it was told that the Wagner Group and a Spetsnaz operator was responsible for the attack that killed eight people and injured twenty nine others.

And the American people were understandably furious.

"Mr President what should we do about this situation?" The African-American Secretary of Defense Adam asked.

"I don't know yet but... We'll figure something out." President Jamison said, extremely upset on what just happened

"Has the Russian Embassy answered?" President Jamison asked.

"Yes, Mr President, they deny any involvement in the attack." Secretary of Defense Adam said.

"That's obviously a lie, there was a Spetsnaz operator there as well." President Jamison said.

"It is quite obvious that they did this attack Mr President, but what should we do?." Secretary of Defense Adam said.

"Place temporary sanctions on Russia, and call the members of NATO who sent their troops in the Gate, were having a meeting next week." President Jamison replied and ordered.

"Yes Mr President." Secretary of Defense Adam replied.


New World

Fort Alnus

The Barracks

Mike is understandably pissed that his vacation was ruined by the Russians and has to return to Falmart.

"Why can't I just enjoy myself in peace?" He said to himself.

Suddenly his room door knocked.

"Come in." Mike said.

The person came out and it was Foley

"Oh, Pop's what's up?" Mike said.

"Just checking on ya, how was the fight with the Russians?" Foley asked.

"Tense, didn't expect to fight em." Mike replied.

"But you got gear, what was that about?" Foley asked.

"Safety reasons, Liutenant-General Jackson told me and and the other's to grab weapons and armor to protect the girl's." Mike answered.

"I see, we'll see ya I gotta find the rest of the team that isn't on Akusho." Foley replied, before leaving and closing the door.

"How long will this war last?" Mike said, leaning his back in the wall.


April 1st

New World

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