Chapter 37: The 'Friendly' Neighbors From The North

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September 7th

Western Desert

Fort Maple

Canadian Military Base

McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet fighter jets scream to life on a nearly empty tarmac.

McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet fighter jets scream to life on a nearly empty tarmac

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Meanwhile, transport vehicles are being loaded with supplies and infantry.

Corporal Nate Anderson is playing poker with a few Canadian soldiers at a makeshift table, trying to distract themselves from the long-awaited operation that is about to begin.

Nate then places a card on the makeshift table.

"ROYAL FLUSH!" he shouts.

The others groan.

But this isn't your typical poker game; each card features the faces of high-ranking Pro-War faction members, from senators to military officers, including the ace of spades himself, Zorzal El Ceaser.

But this isn't your typical poker game; each card features the faces of high-ranking Pro-War faction members, from senators to military officers, including the ace of spades himself, Zorzal El Ceaser

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His commander then came to the table and Nate wiped the grin off his face.

Major Roy, a veteran of Afghanistan and Nate's direct superior, was not a man to smile around.

A soldier stepped towards him and straightened his back.

"Major Roy." The soldier accompanied his formal greeting with a stiff salute.

"Sergeant Scott Richards. At ease." Major Roy ordered.

Scott widened his stance and placed his hands behind his back.

Major Roy then decided to get down to business.

"You have a mission, Sergeant." He said, as pulled out a piece of paper.

"This is a map of the continent of Falmart. According to our aerial reconnaissance and information gathered from extensive interrogation sessions, several remains of the Imperial army fled to several villages here." Major Roy said, pointing at a specific location.

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