I'm Sorry

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My readers.

I apologize.

But due to recent events, I must delay not only a new chapter but the entire story.

Perhaps for many years.

I know it sounds insane, but hear me out, please.

Things back home in the Cordillera mountains have not gone well for me; you could say I'm plummeting down a cliff.

I have been working on this story since September 2022—yes, it has indeed been that long.

I would like to thank those who read my first chapter all those years ago; time surely does fly.

But enough of that; ever since I posted that first chapter, things have changed.

Back then, I was happy with how it turned out—great votes, great comments, overall great reviews I received.

But just like everything, nothing good truly lasts forever.

Bad reviews, angry political and supremacists entering the story—it felt rushed and extremely overwhelming.

So, I took breaks, but during those breaks, I still longed to write more, to appease you more

I wanted to do that.

But in the end, I still felt I haven't fully completed it.

I wanted to be as faithful to American culture, and eventually British, German, French, Canadian, etc.

But the amount of research on different countries that aren't my own, so I can get an accurate representation.

Made me more distant from my own Filipino culture.

So, it wasn't a surprise I was falling behind on my school grades, due to me essentially...

Being whitewashed.

I didn't believe it at the time.

But after some back and forth of trying to stop myself from being called whitewashed and even posting about how I'm struggling because I speak English more, made me realize how wrong I was.

They weren't the problem.

I was.

I was the hypocrite.

I lost my Filipino identity.

So what's the meaning of any of this, you may ask.

Well, it means that if I continue this story about America and all its glory, I'm going to fail school.

Fail my country.

So, with a large ache in my heart.

I am sad to announce that I am going to temporarily stop posting chapters for the next couple of days, weeks, months...

Maybe even years.

Things have just gone so fast, I have been suffering both physically and mentally and fighting myself for my Americanized personality.

I don't want to be seen as a person who is obsessed with a different country, even if it is my job.

I am so sorry, I truly am.

But you must understand that I am close to breaking apart from not just my failing grades, but a crumbling lifestyle.

It's time I appreciate my own group of people, but I don't want to abandon another group of people that I spent hours of time researching since I was fourteen.

I don't want to be labeled as someone who's been radicalized by 'American propaganda,' they said.

So it's time I leave, but not permanently, just this time.

My family has been struggling, and I want to be there for them, not just some mouth to feed.

Things have changed, for better or worse.

But no matter how hard this job may be, I still love it.

Because I got to meet someone like you, someone I can wait for.

I never got this much praise in my life, and seeing how far I've accomplished has made my heart glow warmly.

But due to unfortunate events in my life, as well as from the world, it's time I help myself, learn to control my struggling emotions.

Especially with problems too sensitive for me to discuss with you.

Creating this story in an inconvenient time like these past few years since 2020, really made it hard for creative people to find someone that wants them and appreciates their work in struggling times.

So, it's sad that I'll depart from this, but I'm sure I'll be back.


I'm going to deeply miss you, I truly will.

May whatever God you worship guide your heart through the tapestry of life, to do what's good and not do wrong.

I'll see you soon.

Until then... goodbye, for now.

Thank you.

Thank you all so much.

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