moving day

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      "I can't believe it's finally moving day," I dejectedly said to my now ex neighbor, Alora, who I'd gotten pretty close to these past 6 months. "I'm gonna miss our last minute sleepovers and you knocking on my door at ungodly hours to see if you can borrow some milk."

She turned to me and breathed out a laugh. Her dyed red hair was cut off just above her shoulders, a new cut for her big move to a city two hours away.

"I'll miss that too," she agreed. "Maybe your new neighbor will be just as cool."

"Yeah right," I scoffed, helping put the last of her boxes into her trunk. "It's probably gonna be some old man with a crusty white dog who keeps me up all night with his coughing."

She actually laughed at that one, and tried comforting me one last time. "Well at least you're on the end of the row, you only have to have one neighbor."

Our apartments were set up like I'd never seen before, no primary door opening to a hallway with all our individual doors, no, it was more motel style. There were 6 doors in a row on each of the 4 buildings, with each of our doors going straight into our places from outside. I had the corner one on the third building, and she was my only next door neighbor.

"I guess," I shrugged. "I'll give 'em the benefit of a doubt for now."

She nodded and smiled while reaching out to hug me. "Don't forget to water your plants, y/n/n."

"Don't forget to come by every now and then," we gave one last squeeze. "Y'know, when you're not at your new bigshot job."

"Of course." She rounded her car and plopped into the driver's seat.

I waved and wished her luck and watched her car avoid the potholes down our gravel road, until I could no longer see her car. I collected myself with a sigh, and headed back to my apartment. She was right, I was glad I was in the corner one. Apparently this place was popular for whatever reason, there was even a waitlist. My new neighbor would be here within the next few days; maybe I'd do something neighborly like bake them something, or put my favorite takeout restaurant's flyer on their door for recommendation.

Inside my place, my long-haired orange tabby, Pumpkin, came prancing over to greet me. I'd found him as a kitten two years ago around this time: late summer, early fall. I guess he'd be my only friend now that Alora was gone.


      A few days later, I parked my car that was nearly older than me as close as I could to my building. When I'd left for work earlier, there was a U-Haul reversed up to Alora's empty apartment; meaning my new neighbor must be in there by now. I did a quick once-over of the parking lot to see if I could spot the new car, but it was too dark. I headed in and decided to give that whole baking idea a shot.

Two spilled ingredients and one hour later, my oven dinged, letting me know the lavender donuts I'd made were done. Pumpkin sniffed the air curiously as I took them from the oven and placed them in my cutest Tupperware. Whatever elderly person was in Alora's old apartment would love these.

I made my way out the door not ever bothering with shoes, and confidently knocked on my new neighbor's door. Almost a minute later, I didn't hear anything, so I knocked again. Finally I could hear fumbling and heavy footsteps approaching. I took one last glance at the donuts in my hand, which turned out perfectly might I add, as I heard the door swing open.

   "Hello! So I baked these--" I looked up to see who was in front of me. The very much not old, not-wearing-a-shirt, flawless guy in front of me. Nearly 6 feet tall, deep dark eyes, dyed blue hair that looked unreasonably soft... his muscular arms reached up slightly to grip the doorframe as he met my gaze. I was suddenly at a loss for words.

   "I-I baked-- these," I managed to say, and held the container out to him. "As a welcome to the building, um, I made them with oat milk by the way so-so you don't have to worry about that. If.. that's something that worries you."

A smirk began forming on his face, and he crossed his arms, not saying a word.

   "Not that you should be worried about that, I mean unless you're lactose intolerant like I am," I stammered, and instantly regretted it. "You know it'd be just great if you'd say something right about now."

   "I prefer watching you struggle to get a sentence out without looking down to my waistband," he said without missing a beat.

Blood rushed to my face and I knew at this moment I had to look like the Kool-Aid man. "I-I swear I was-- I'm sorry I didn't mean--"

   "Relax girl scout," he let his arms drop and raised his eyebrows slightly. "I like the attention."

Who was this guy? Was he really openly flirting with me right now? I mean he was half naked, what was going through his head?

   "You should come put those lovely..." he trailed off.

   "Donuts," I offered.

   "Donuts, on my end table," he stepped slightly to the side, and I could suddenly see his living room. Boxes spilled over from moving, snack trash, and empty bottles were nearly everywhere. It was all I could do to not scrunch up my nose in disgust. His filthy way of living combined with that ego of his quickly turned me off to him.

   "I don't... even see an end table," I said, finally having a stable tone.

He turned back toward me, smirk never having left his lips, "It's in my bedroom."

   "My word," I took a step back. "Either take them now or I'm bringing them back to my place."

   "Why don't you bring me back to your place?"

My mouth fell open a bit, and I quickly shut it.

   "Alright." I was done with this, and clutched the Tupperware to my chest as I took the few short steps back over to my door. He may be undeniably beautiful but I was not the kind of girl he was treating me like.

   "Oh c'mon girl scout," he playfully called after me. "I'll starve over here without those."

   "Not my problem," I replied coldly, and shut my door behind me.

Not My Problem || Kai AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now