caution tape

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       'dont be crazy lol,' I texted back. 'thats a long drive, me and my parents got it. but thanks'

She wished me luck with a few happy emojis, which only made me feel worse. We'd have to tell her soon. In the shower, I brainstormed a few ways we could go about it, and the best and worst possible outcomes. I ended up with nothing.

Once I was done, I exited the bathroom in my real clothes and noticed Kai had packed up the little bit of stuff of mine that I'd spread across his living room. I was grateful, it probably would've made me a little sad.

"What can I do to thank you, Kai?"

He whipped around to face me excitedly.

"Don't answer that," I corrected myself. "I'm thinking, let's get breakfast one last time while I live here?"

"Can I pick where?" He beamed, and I expected him to pick somewhere random and expensive.

I nodded, and he went to grab his car keys.

"McDonalds?" He requested, and I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Of course," I met him over at the door and slipped my shoes on. "Don't know why I expected anything else."

He excitedly kissed my hand, and we were off.


"Well that was pointless," I told Kai as we walked the path back to our building. "You were supposed to let me pay."

"Pointless? Yeah right," he swung our joined hands between us, and took the last gulp of his coffee, "Now you just owe me double."

"You wish," I bumped his hip with mine. He bumped me back, and we kept on until we made it to our doors.

All the repair trucks that were in the lot the past few weeks were gone, as was the caution tape that'd been around my door.

"Well I guess that means it's ready," I released his hand, and he pouted.

"You still have to get your shit out of my place," he reminded me. "And that orange furball I've been taking allergy pills for everyday."

"And we both thank you," I playfully curtsied.

He grinned and unlocked his apartment, "Alright get your fancy ass in here."

I felt a little melancholy, wondering if this was the last time I'd enter this place for a while. We both grabbed a couple boxes each, and transferred it all to my place. I ushered Pumpkin into his carrier against his will, and picked him up as my last thing to take from Kai's.

"Well," Kai put his hands in his front pockets as we both stood in front of my door. "If you burn your house down again, you know how to reach me."

"I really can't thank you enough," I said sincerely.

We stared at each other for a moment, the tension between us palpable.

"Alright I'll do it," he shrugged, and suddenly his face was closing in on mine.

"Woah," I turned my head, so he kissed my cheek.

"Ouch," he replied disappointedly.

"Come on you know how I feel about you," I gently pushed him back with a hand on his chest. "But we made a deal. No kissing again until we're-- you're, ready to be together, and we tell Alora."

"Why did I agree to that again?" He groaned.

"Because," I booped his nose. "Then we're doing all the things couples do without an obligation to stay totally loyal to each other, and I don't like that. Plus what if someone sees?"

"Oh Christ you're right," he began sarcastically. "What if Agnes from down the road catches us and immediately tells Allie?"

The nickname he still called her bothered me, but I tried not to let it show. I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Alright alright," he gave in. "I'll respect your wishes. But I'd totally be kissing you right now if you'd let me."

"Bye Kai," I drew the words out a bit and headed into my newly renovated apartment before he could change my mind.

"Later girl scout."


       A few hours later, I'd long gotten all my stuff put back where it belongs, though I had to admit, I liked it better when it was scattered over Kai's shelves and tables. I even had my toothbrush in his bathroom, and occasionally wore his shirts to sleep when all mine needed washed. And as much as I hated to admit, I loved his constant flirting and coming onto me. He found a balance of not taking it too far, and always making me feel desired; god what I'd do to have half the confidence he did.

Of course he had every right to be confident, looking like a god among men and what not. His deep, mysterious eyes that you could never quite read, his perfect hair that he didn't even need to style, it just fell that way, his addicting scent, knee-weakening smile... I even liked the one little freckle on the end of his nose that he couldn't stand.

My pathetic thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing, I looked to see it was my coworker, Danica. Ever since she'd taken Justin's position when he quit, we'd become quick friends.

We ended up chatting for a while, she caught me up on the work drama I'd missed from my weekend off, and I got to divulge all my thoughts on Kai, since Dani wasn't involved and didn't even know Alora.

Suddenly, there was a knock at my door. I looked at the clock, 7:50pm. I had a guess of who it was.

"Just a sec Dani," I said as I got up to look through the peep hole. Kai smiled back at me from the other side, face as close as possible. "Ha, can we talk later? He's here, and I have no idea why."

She agreed, and we hung up. I opened the door and noticed he had a bag of unpopped popcorn with him.

"As it turns out, my TV is broken and our show starts in 10 minutes," he stated.

"Your new flat screen is broken?"

"Uh yup," he rocked on his heels. "9 minutes."

"So if I go over there right now, it won't turn on, right?" I faked like I was stepping out.

"Wait okay wait," he stopped me. "I just, guess I just, you know... miss you."

My heart fluttered, and he went on. "It's all empty and lonely over there now, you know without a girl using up all the hot water and not wanting to sleep next to me."

I moved aside to let him in, with a sheepish smile and blush creeping over my face. He plopped happily on my couch, as if he lived here. I locked the door up and went over to cozy up next to him.

"Kai?" I laid my head on his shoulder.


"I missed you too."

He said nothing and laced our fingers. I wondered if he got he same butterflies I did.

"Have you heard from Allie?"

Ugh, killed those butterflies quick. Guilt swiftly replaced them.

"Every day since the fire," I said flatly. "One or both of us have to talk to her about this eventually."

"Eventually," he repeated. "But not now."

I didn't question him, 'cause we were in agreement. If she took it badly, that would be the end of... whatever this was. And I wasn't willing to give it up just yet.


The following three days, I had full 8 hour shifts, but I'd finally get my day off tomorrow. I loved my job here at the pet store, I mostly had easy tasks like filling the small animal's food bowls, or cleaning out the fish tanks, but other times it got a little messier, and I spent more time here a week than I'd originally planned. Luckily I was working this shift with Danica.

I had to admit I was a little jealous of her nearly waist length blonde hair and green eyes, she could have any guy she wanted. Plus, I doubted she was in some crazy half love triangle like me.

Not My Problem || Kai AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now