get out

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       "What happened?" Alora inquired.

"Oh I.. thought I had a package arriving today," I lied. "Just checking to see if it was out there."

"Okay," she adjusted her purse strap on her shoulder. "Well, Skye's waiting for me. Better get going; but this was fun!"

She patted my shoulder as she walked out the door, and I watched her get into her car. For.. safety reasons, definitely not to make sure she wasn't going to Kai's. Once she shut her driver side door, I went back into my place and texted him to come back if he wanted to talk.

Kai rushed in my door, and I side eyed him, unamused.

"She's gone?" he asked, the doorknob still in his hand.

I nodded silently and turned my attention back to the TV.

"Y/N please believe me," he came to sit next to me. "I don't like to describe women as crazy, but she's pushing me."

I finally met his gaze; "I saw you two hugging last night. And you were shirtless the whole time."

"How'd you see that?"

"Why did she feel so comfortable coming to your house so late?"

"I have no idea, we haven't seen or spoken to each other since you found out we were exes," he said, and sounded sincere.

"She came over, asked if she could come in, when I denied her, she started talking about how she thinks we should try again, and she misses being in a relationship or some shit. It seemed like she was about to cry when she went to hug me, so, I just let her."

I pursed my lips and took in all the information.

"I shouldn't have and I'm sorry," he apologized. "But I never gave her any reason to believe I wanted her."

"If you do it's fine just tell me so I can--"

"Y/N," he took my face in his hands. "I only want you."

With one swift knock and a 'hey, sorry i forgot my--' Alora was suddenly back in my living room, looking right at Kai holding our faces inches apart.

Her jaw dropped and eyebrows quickly came together in anger. I stood, but Kai stayed down.

"A-Alora," I stuttered. "It's not what you think I--"

"Are you kidding me?" she yelled. "After what we talked about?"

I nudged Kai to jump in and say something; he stood slowly and placed a hand on my waist.

"This isn't how we wanted this to go, Allie," he spoke quietly.

"Don't!" She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, then opened them again to look furiously between us. "Tell the truth..."

I gulped and waited for her to go on with my heart in my throat.

"Were you ever really staying at your parents house?"

Kai gave a small squeeze on my hip for comfort and reassurance.

I spoke in a shaky voice, "No."

Alora let out a breath and shook her head. "You fake bitch."

"Woah come on," Kai chimed in.

"Shut up!" She stomped her foot. "I can't believe I thought about getting back together with you!"

The two of us stayed quiet, knowing that was never even in the question. Suddenly her expression changed from pissed to smug, and she began collecting herself and smoothing her clothes.

Not My Problem || Kai AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now