afraid of the dark

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      "Y/N you have 3 seconds to tell me what the fuck this douchebag is doing here," Justin spoke coldly through clenched teeth.

   "I know this looks bad," I admitted nervously. "He just locked himself out of his apartment."

   "So you invite him in for drinks and give him my clothes?!"

   Kai chimed in, "To be fair, she did give full disclosure that she had a boyfriend."

   "I was not talking to you asshole," Justin pointed a finger at him. "And you."

I was visibly shaking at this point, hating conflict enough as it is, but this was beyond a nightmare.

   "You are un-fucking-believable," he was close in my face now, I turned my head so I didn't have to smell his drunk breath.

   "Hey," Kai took a step forward. "Look man maybe you should just calm down for a while, I can sit in my car or something; just leave her alone."

   "What the hell did I say?" Justin shouted, turning to face him. "Why are you defending this bitch?"

   "Justin.." I breathed, tears forming in my eyes. He looked quickly to me, then back to Kai.

   "What are you gonna do?" He challenged him, slurring his words. "Gonna be a tough guy?"

   "Please," I pleaded. "Please let's just go outside--"

   "You can shut the hell up too," Justin replied, and shoved me with his elbow.

I stumbled backwards in disbelief, and by the time my back met the wall, Kai had Justin pinned to the door.

   "Do not," he warned, barely audible, "put your hands on her."

I watched silently and slid down the wall, heart pounding out of my chest. Justin was irate, quickly turning red in the face, but all his struggling attempts to get free were futile.

   "Are you being this childish because your girlfriend has sympathy for others?" Kai turned his head slightly, "Or are you really so insecure, you think since I'm already wearing your pants, I just might get into hers next?"

As annoying as I found that comment, I knew it'd send Justin over the edge.

Or so I thought.

   "Yeah good fucking luck with that man," he finally pushed Kai off of him, and started adjusting his shirt. "I've been trying for three months. You know she's a fucking virgin?"

Kai looked over to me for a brief moment, eyes dark, and then back to Justin.

   "In fact," he held his hands up. "Pathetic prude isn't worth it. I'm done."

Kai looked like he wanted to say something else, but held back as Justin let himself out and tried to keep some dignity by flipping us off. At that moment I just wanted the earth to swallow me up, I just couldn't be more humiliated.

   "I, I," words escaped me. "That was so, I'm so --"

   "Hey," Kai rushed to my side, and began helping me up. "None of that was your fault, ok?"

The sincerity in his voice brought more tears to my eyes. This was a side of him I hadn't seen, he was usually so arrogant and, well, annoying.

   "Well I'm still sorry you had to deal with that," I apologized.

He shrugged, "Seemed like he needed a little humbling."

I smiled for half a second, and walked back over to the couch, arm in arm with Kai.

   "Okay, you sit here and be gorgeous," he sat me down, and I rolled my eyes and breathed out a small laugh. "I have to go make a phone call, and I'll be right back so we can finish our movie."

I nodded, my heart rate finally starting to slow. He gave me closed-mouth smile that showed off his dimples, and disappeared back into the bathroom.

I so badly wanted to call Alora. She'd always warned me against Justin, and she'd be glad to know he left me. Plus, I'm sure she'd have something to say that could cheer me up. I mean, yeah I had company over, but we barely knew each other, and he was constantly hitting on me. I just needed a friend.

I wondered how long it'd be until the actual landlord arrived, I just wanted to cry and sleep.

I was deep in thought, trying to decipher my emotions about no longer dating Justin, when suddenly there was a loud crack outside, and then everything went black.

No no no no. The only thing that scared me as much as conflict, was the dark. I was suddenly frozen, and wished that Pumpkin would jump into my lap right about then.

   "Well god damn," Kai came from the bathroom. "Hope you're not afraid of the dark."

I stayed silent. I was wrong earlier when I thought I couldn't be more humiliated.

   "Oh shit you are," he said a little more gently, and I felt him take the seat next to me. "It's just an outage from the storm, I'm sure it'll be back on soon."

I looked in the direction his voice came from, unable to see him but hoping my eyes were on his face.

   "I know, I just... still hate it," I admitted, and considered scooting slightly closer.

   "Well, luckily this tough guy is here," he joked, referencing the earlier fiasco. He sure did know how to break tension and get me to smile.

I was just beginning to loosen up, when lightning lit up the sky. That part was almost pretty, but a few seconds later, I didn't have time to think before the boom of thunder sent me rushing into Kai's arms.

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