1. A Rainy Day

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It was a rainy day in the city when Julia called me. I hadn't heard from her for nearly two weeks, so i frowned while answering. "Hi there" she exclaimed excitedly. "Do you have plans this weekend?" "Hi. Uhm...no?" I said hesitantly. "Why? What's up?" She worked as an assistent to an eventplanner, and sometimes they got free tickets to the events, so it wasn't the first time she called with this question. "I have a surprise for you then! Be ready for a night out on friday at 17.00. I'll pick you up. See ya!" And she hung up. Baffled I looked at my phone and wondered what she was up to this time. I smiled and shrugged it off. Looked like I was going out friday then. When she rang the bell I was just finishing up my lipstick and quickly put my things in my small handbag and grabbed my blazer. "Hey girl. You look gorgeous" she said as I hugged her. I had chosen a dark red dress that went to mid-thigh. It had small straps and a curvy neckline that certainly did well for my figure and hugged my curves in all the right places. Paired with my favourite jewellery and a pair of gold heels, I was ready to let loose with my friend. "You too. So, where are we going?" I asked as we climbed into the taxi she had arrived in. "We're invited to a dinner first and then the real party starts." She said with a wink and a small giggle. I giggled at her playfulness and decided to just go with it and enjoy our girlsnight.

We soon arrived at a restaurant on the other side of town, and upon arrival were escorted to a private area in the back. We only just got through the door when I gasped and froze in my step. Right there in the middle of the room, sitting casually by the table and making smalltalk between themselves were Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne. I had always been a fan of One Direction, and had to admit the boys looked better in real life. "Here we are boys, this is Victoria" Julia said as she went straight to them. They stood up and greeted her with a hug and then came towards me. "Hi. I'm Liam. Nice to meet you." Liam said as he held his hand out for me to shake. I pulled myself together and gave him a smile back as i took his hand. "You too" I managed to get out, and then Louis came up and engulfed me in a hug. "None of that, a friend of Julia is a friend of ours." He exclaimed and gave me a squeeze. When he let go I looked at Julia who sent me a wink. She knew I had always been a Louis-girl, and this was apparently her surprise. We all sat down and Julia leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Got ya! Now make the most of it and enjoy tonight. No thoughts about tomorrow, ok?" "Okay" I giggled and winked at her. She was already back to talking to Liam and that left me to talk to Louis who were sitting on my right side of the round table. "So Victoria, tell me about yourself" He opened the conversation and we soon ordered our dinner and enjoyed the meal. He was great company, funny with a good sense of humour, open and you could tell he enjoyed to meet new people and had a really big heart. "I just wanna help were I can, you know" He said as we talked about the charity I was currently doing a marketing campaign for, one that he apparently had supported for years through various donations.

After dinner we went to a club nearby, and as we got lost in drinks and dancing, the night went on. I noticed that Julia and Liam were getting pretty close and he was currently sitting with one hand on her thigh and the other caressing her cheek. She was lost in his eyes and her hands on his chest. He leaned in and whispered something to her, which made her blush and look down for a second before she grabbed his chin and kissed him. My friend were making out with Liam Payne! I couldn't believe it, it seemed so surreal. "Looks like they get along well" Louis laughed beside me, "It does, doesn't it" I smiled at him. "What's wrong?" He asked, sensing my slight tension. "I just don't want her to get hurt or do something she'll regret" I answered hesitantly. "Hey, none of that Victoria. Let me tell you a secret about Liam. He doesn't do one night stands. Like ever. If he's that into her, then it's because he feels something and reacting on it. Don't worry about your friend, he wont hurt her or just use her for pleasure." "I looked at him and then at Julia and Liam, still making out like teenagers. "Trust me" Louis said and I took a deep breath. "Ok then, I just want her happy". "What about you?" I asked after a sip of my drink. "What about me?" he asked and frowned slightly. "Do you do one night stands?" I asked and looked him straight in the eyes. He seemed surprised by my question and then smirked. "Sometimes" He replied, letting his eyes wander down my body and then flicking back up to meet my gaze. "Do you?" He asked back and I knew what he was hinting at. I smirked and took my straw between my lips, taking a sip while locking eyes with him. "Sometimes" I replied. "If the chemistry is there" "And is it? Here? With me?" He almost whispered as he came closer with his face. "Why don't you test it?" I said and the next second his lips were on mine and my hands found their way to his hair. He was a good kisser. I could definitely feel myself getting slightly aroused just by his kiss and then his hand came up to grab my thigh and pulled me on top of him so I was straddling him. I deepened the kiss and he cupped my ass with both hands before letting one of them run to my lower back and pushing me into him. I could feel his hardening bulge and let out a soft moan as a grinded down on him. He groaned and grabbed my neck so he could kiss me harder. "I believe it is" I said as I pulled back for air. I met his dark, lustful eyes as he took a deep breath. "Do you wanna get out of here?" He whispered and kissed my neck and collarbone playfully. "Yeah, lets go." I said.

"Julia, we're going. Stay safe and text me tomorrow" I said to my friend who gave me a wink and a nod before returning her attention to Liam. She was snuggled into his side and they were wrapped up with each other, just talking and caressing each other. Louis grabbed my hand and lead me out back to a car. "Can we go to your place?" He asked. "I don't wanna be seen at the hotel" "Sure" I said and gave the driver my address before climbing back onto Louis' lap. The drive was short and when we arrived at my apartment, we were both panting and filled with lust. I managed to get the door open and as soon as it was closed behind us, he pinned me against the wall and kissed me hard before trailing his hands down my sides and grinding his hard-on against me. "Bedroom?" he asked as he nippled at my ear. I took a hold of his shirt and made my way to the bedroom backwards, never once loosing contact with his lips. This was gonna be a night to remember I thought as he started to take off my blazer and unzip my dress.

The next Day I woke up alone and with a smile on my face. Louis had left after our second round and I felt well satisfied in my entire body. That was certainly a surprise I would remember! I quickly texted Julia and went for a shower. As I was sitting on my couch afterwards with some cereal, she called me and gushed about Liam. He had been a perfect gentleman and had escorted her home and kissed her goodnight by her door. She asked about Louis and I smiled to myself while remembering our little adventure. "He's great. It was really a fun night" I replied and she laughed and teased me about my teenagedream which had come true at last. "Oh, hold on" she said as she got a text. "Liam is inviting us to the concert tonight, he wants to see me again already! He says he misses me. He's so cute. Oh my god! Vicki, we gotta go. Please, please, PLEASE come with me?" She asked and how could I say no to that. She was one of my best friends, and she was so excited to get the tickets. "Ofcourse!" I exclaimed. "Want to meet up and get ready together?" "Sure, I'll be at your place by 4?" "Sure. See you then." We hung up, and I suddenly realised that going to the concert and Julia meeting up with Liam, ment I probably had to face Louis again. Not that I minded seeing him, it was just not what usually happened to a one night stand, and the guy was my teenage idol. How much better could I do. Hopefully he would be okay with seeing me again too.

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