2. Meeting again

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The energy in the room was exhilarating when we arrived at the concert. Liam had told Julia were to go and pretty soon we were lead by a security guard to the meet and greet room for the show. "Wait here for your turn. It'll only be a minute" the guard said before he left us standing alone in a hallway with several doors on either side. Julia was beaming with glee as she was seeing Liam again and i couldn't help but feel happy for her, but at the same time a bit nervous to be seeing Louis as well. "Hello gorgeous" a voice said behind me and Julia giggled and ran past me into Liam's embrace. He had a huge grin on his face as he snuggle his face into her neck and then quickly kissed her cheek. He turned to me and gave me a hug as well before he took Julias hand and lead us into one of the rooms. My heartrate picked up as I saw the rest of 1D in the room. Louis came strolling towards me with a smirk and I could feel myself blush. "Hello again beautiful" he said as he wrapped his arms around me. "Hello to you too" I said and shot him a smile. He introduced me to Niall and then Zayn. Harry was greeting Julia of to the side as we spoked for a while. They then joined our little group and I could feel his eyes linger on me for a bit longer than necessary. It made a shiver run down my back and I looked back at him only to find him quickly looking down and then to the side. We all made smalltalk for a while and Liam kept an arm wrapped around Julia the whole time. "Time to go boys" a voice said from the doorway and we were ushered out and to our seats in the very front of the pit.

Julia was ecstatic and I was very soon swooped up with the excitement and buzz from the crowd behind us. A few young girls looked at us with confused eyes but soon the intro started and the show was on its way. It was the best concert I had ever attended, without a doubt. The boys were on fire and the crowd was amazing. Liam kept beaming at Julia and my eyes caught Louis' a few times. We smiled at each other but nothing more, nothing flirtacious or anything. After the first 5 songs the boys took a break to talk to some fans and answer questions from Twitter. "Harry's looking at you Vicki." Julia said next to me and she was right. His green eyes looked straight passed the other boys talking on stage and onto me. I felt another shiver along my back as we locked eyes and for a moment it felt like we were the only people in the room. The contact broke when Zayn put a hand on his shoulder and asked him to answer the question currently on the big screen. What was that? Why did he look at me like that? I was confused but when Louis looked at me and winked I blushed and smiled back. What the hell was going on?! Maybe Louis had told him about our night together and it was just some sort of banter between them. I shrugged it off as much as possible and enjoyed the rest of the concert.

After the final song, the security guard came back to lead us into the room the boys dressing room. When we entered Niall and Zayn were dancing around and yelling cheerfully, obviously still high on the adrenaline from the show. Liam had changed his shirt and came running to grab Julia with him to one of the couches, and Louis smirked at me while getting rid of his own black shirt, he winked before he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer. "Did you enjoy the show?" He asked while starting to nipple at my earlobe. I giggled a little and pulled away, suddenly feeling akward with his touch. "Yes, very much. You guys were amazing up there." He looked at me for a second before turning around and fetching a clean shirt to put on. I gulped once and looked away, only to be met with the very defined back and leg muscles of Harry, who only had his boxers on. My cheeks reddened and as if he could sense my gaze, he turned around so my eyes landed on his front parts, and holy shit! Those tattoos on his hips invited my gaze down to his bulge and I felt like I couldn't breath right, as I forced my eyes back up over his butterfly tattoo and the birds just below his collarbones, right up to his dark, green eyes and the intense look we shared left me both feeling hot and frozen at the same time. Like my heart pounded harder then ever before but I still couldn't breath. A second later the gaze was broken when Niall tripped and fell into the coffee table with a large thud. He started a laughing fit and the rest of us couldn't help but to laugh with him. Harry quickly put some clothes on and left the room, claiming he needed to use the bathroom down the hall.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my body, but to no use. I looked at my reflection in the mirror above the sink. What was wrong with me? I had never been one to loose control at all, but something about the presence of that brownhaired girl with the blue eyes made me want to. She was best friends with Liams new girl and from what I could gather, she had been with Louis. I loved Louis like a brother, he was my best friend in the band, but the idea of them together made me want to knock him out. We had never had a problem with girls in the band, we had always agreed that "bros before hoes" was the way to do it. You just didn't go for a girl who was with one of the others. We didn't share and it had never been an issue. Something about this one made me want to put her first, even above the other boys and it scared the shit out of me. Why her? She was gorgeous yes, but we had met models and actors who were gorgeous as well so that didn't really explain anything. I was so confused right now, and silently hoped that I wouldn't see her again, even if the thought alone made my chest hurt.

Suddenly Niall banged on the door and exclaimed that it was time to leave the venue. I took a deep breath and counted to ten. I just had to avoid her for the rest of the night, she was with Louis and there was no way she could come between us. She was just a girl, nothing more. I can do that much, I thought to myself and went after the others to the cars. I spotted which one she climbed into and went straight to the other one. Just avoid her for tonight I repeated and took a shaky breath once more before closing my eyes and resting my head on the cold glass from the window. "You alright?" Niall said from next to me. Zayn was half asleep on the other side of him, leaning against the door on his side. "Yeah, I'm fine. Great show tonight" I tried to smile at him, but even I could tell that my forced smile didn't fool him. He looked worried at me. "You know you can tell me anything right?" He said while giving my knee a gentle squeeze. "I know" i replied, squeezing his hand and turning away from him again. The rest of the car ride was silent and when we got to the hotel, the three of us went straight to our rooms, while Liam, Louis and the two girls all went to Liam's room. We quickly said goodnight in the hallway and as I hugged the girl who had been on my mind all evening, i caught a smell of her hair and the fruity smell along with her hands on my back, almost made me lose myself. "You guys were amazing tonight. Goodnight Harry" she whispered in my ear. I lingered a bit longer and then forced myself away from her. "Thank you. Goodnight Victoria" I said as I had to let her go. She followed the others into Liam's room and I forced my body to move to my own room.

Once inside I let out a grunt and threw myself on the bed. The way she had said my name, her fruity smell, that beautiful smile and her clear blue eyes left me breathless and i couldn't stop thinking about her. I could feel myself hardening as I remembered the sound of her laugh and the way she had looked at me after the show. This was so wrong but I couldn't help it as my hand travelled down and undid my jeans. She was with Louis I tried to remind myself, but the thought of her naked filled me with jealousy and that turned into desire as my thoughts kept returning to her gaze at me. I pumped my lenght quickly, already nearing my release and a few moments later I came all over my abdomen with a moan of her name. As I laid there and came down from my high, it dawned on me what I had just done. I had just wanked off to the thought of my best friends girl. "Jesus Christ!" I said to myself. "What are you doing to me Victoria" I got up to clean myself up and got ready for bed. "Victoria" i whispered again, as I laid beneath the covers and stared at the ceiling. The name felt so naturel to say, like it belonged on my lips somehow. I sighed and soon fell asleep with my mind still on her.

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