9. Be careful Vicki

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Something about what happened to Liam and Julia left me on edge. I couldn't stop thinking about the scared look on his face and how I would have felt if it had been Victoria instead. I really didn't want to leave her alone again. Ofcourse she picked up on it, I couldn't hide anything from her apparently. "Take it easy Hazza. We will be fine." She said once more but it did little to my anxiety. I engulfed in her embrace once more and tried to calm myself down, but I couldn't. "You wouldn't hide anything from me, would you? I mean, I know I'm halfway around the world in a few days, but I want to know everything Vic. Promise me that you'll tell me everything." I practically begged her and she cupped my face and kissed me softly before answering. "I promise Hazza. And you do the same okay? No matter the time, call me about anything. Tell me everything that happens and how you're really doing. No sugarcoating it! Deal?" "Deal" i smiled and kissed her again. We were laying in bed, facing each other and enjoyed the last of our time together for now. She caressed my chest and ran her finger up and down my arm gently as she spoke "actually, there is one thing I haven't told you yet". "Yeah?" I frowned a bit. "Don't worry, it's nothing bad. I promise." She said as she turned a bit more towards me and moved her fingers up to run through my hair and caress my cheek. "What is it then?" I asked when she hesitated to continue. "It's just...I've never really said it before, never truly felt it, but I want you to know before you leave. I need you to understand, and you don't have to reply or anything. I just want to tell you." She took a deep breath and looked me straight in the eyes. "I'm in love with you Harry. I love you with every inch of my being. I want to be with you forever, and I imagine my future with you in it." She gulped. "There. I said it. No other secrets" she smiled at me. I was stunned at her openness and courage to tell me, without any demand of me saying it back to her. I thought I knew how she felt about me, but having her confirm it so willingly made my heart swell. I cupped her chin with my hand and kissed her softly. "I'm in love with you too Vic. My future IS by your side, and I can't wait to start building a family with you someday. You're everything to me. I love you babe." She smiled widely and giggled lightly before kissing me again and throwing herself on top of me. I laughed with her. Relieved to have this out in the open. Relieved that we shared the same dreams and hopes for our future. I felt at ease as I wrapped my arms around her and she snuggled into my chest with a satisfied sigh.

I was in the living room with Louis and Niall, while Harry was packing his things in my bedroom. Liam and Julia were on their way here, and Zayn was out meeting a friend. We had planned a movienight with pizzas for the last night before the guys' flight. Louis seemed silent for once, and he kept staring out the window and checking his phone every two minutes. "What's going on Lou?" I asked him when Niall went to the kitchen to get some drinks for us. "It's probably nothing." He said but he sounded unsure. "Tell me" i encouraged him and he thought for a second before sighing. "Can we talk in private?" He gestured to the guest bedroom and I followed him in there. "Do you remember I told you about Brianna?" He asked and I nodded, slightly confused as to were he was going with this. "She called me yesterday. She had taken a test and is at the doctors now to get it confirmed...I'm scared as hell." He let out a small laugh to cover up his nerves. "You mean...she might be pregnant? Is it yours?" "She might be, and the timing is right. We met up several times in LA when we played there a few weeks ago. So I think it is." "What are you gonna do about it?" I had to ask him. "I really dont know. I'm scared she's gonna lose it like Julia did, but I'm equally scared of the prospect of becoming a dad. I'm nowhere near ready for that responsibility, and we aren't even dating. Just a friends-with-benefits kind of thing." I had never seen him so lost and confused. "You're gonna figure it out. I could see you as a great dad someday, and plenty of people have shared custody so I think you guys have to talk everything through and agree on which terms you're doing this, if she really is pregnant." "Yeah, I guess you're right Vicki. Thank you. You're a great friend and Harry's a lucky man." We shared a hug before returning to the living room. Harry looked confused as we came in together but I smiled at him and went to greet Julia and Liam who had shown up during my talk with Louis.

Soon we were all lounging around the living room, a movie playing and plates with pizza scattered around the place. We were telling jokes and having fun together when Louis' phone rang. He quickly got up to answer it and went to the guestroom for privacy. I looked after him and suddenly became nervous on his behalf. Harry sensed it and hugged me. "Everything alright?" He asked in a whisper. "Yeah, I think so" I kissed him sweetly and focused back on the conversation. Louis returned about 10 minutes later with a worried look on his face. I stood up and went to hug him, trying to calm him down and reassure him that we would be there for him. "What's going on Louis?" Harry asked from behind me and everyone went quiet and looked at him. I gave him a reassuring smile and stepped to the side. "You guys remember I met up with Brianna in LA right?" He asked the guys and they all nodded. "Um...she called me yesterday with some news, and now she just confirmed it. I...I'm gonna be a dad." He exclaimed with a nervous laughter. "What?!" The boys all yelled in unison. I couldn't hold back a laugh at their shocked expressions. "I'm sorry Li and Julia. I don't mean to rub it in or anything. I'm just really surprised." "Louis, no, it's all good man" Liam cut him off. "I'm happy for you, Congratulations". Julia agreed and congratulated him along with the rest of us. "What is it with you guys and knocking up girls?" She laughed and winked at Liam. "You better watch out Vicki" Niall laughed and I blushed. "Sorry, no. We know what to do to avoid that for now." Harry chimed in. "For now?" Niall caught on. "Yes, for now. Someday we will have kids, but we're still young and not ready yet." The room fell silent and everyone looked between Harry and i. "Wauw" Niall finally said. "What did you do to the womanizer Vicki? I never thought I'd hear him say that." Louis said with a laugh. "I'm pretty sure we dont want to know that" Liam chipped in with a wink at me and I blushed again. Harry let out a small laugh and smirked at me. "Well, we might as well tell you guys now. Vic and I are both madly in love with each other and we are planning a future together." He locked eyes with me and I felt my heart swell. He stood there so proudly and told his closest friends that I was the one he wanted to share his life with. I went to him and kissed him deeply. Not caring who were watching. "I love you" I whispered. "I love you too babe" he whispered back before setting us back down on the couch. "Anyway, back to the dad-to-be. How do you feel about it all Lou?" Harry said to get the focus away from us.

The rest of the night were spent talking and laughing, it seemed we had all been friends forever. Julia fell asleep cuddled into Liam and I caught him closing his eyes as he kissed her hair and gave her body a squeeze. That boy was whipped and I was so happy for my friend. He smiled shyly at me when he noticed I was looking and blushed a bit. "I think we're heading back to Jules'" he exclaimed as he slowly woke her up and rose from the other couch. "See you at the airport mate" the boys said goodbye and I stood to follow them to the door. I hugged Liam first and whispered in his ear. "Thank you for loving her" "Easy! You're not the only one who are planning a future together you know" I looked at his serious face and then at Julia who were beaming at him. "I guess not" I said as I hugged her too. The rest of the guys came out in the hallway. "We're leaving too Vicki" Niall said as they all grabbed their coats and shoes. Harry came and hugged me from behind and waved as they all left. "So...wanna make the most of the night?" He asked with a smirk as he started kissing my neck and shoulder. I immediately felt my arousal start to stir at his words. I spun around and pushed him against the wall. "Definately!" I whispered seductively before kissing him and wrapping my arms around his neck. He lifted me up and carried me to the bedroom.

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