aegon III

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 Their first day at King's Landing was uneventful. Their mother hadn't even greeted them when they arrived. In fact, they hadn't seen her at all. It was certainly odd for someone who wanted them back so badly. Aegon had been a shadow on his sibling's back for the entire first day, not wanting them to potentially be left alone with their mother, should she show herself.

He found himself turning to talk to Aurora more than once as the day went on. He was so used to having her as his clutch. He vowed not to let this trip make him fall back into drinking like he used to. Aurora would have his head for that. He could get through this one visit for his stupid hopeful brother, and then he never had to see this place again.


Unfortunately, their second day was burdened by their mother. He, Helaena, and Aemond were gathered in his room, so they could walk together to Rhaenyra's room to break their fast, when a knock sounded at the door. Aegon nodded at Aemond to get the door. The one voice he was dreading was what he heard next, "I'm sorry I couldn't be there to greet you. Something came up, and it needed my immediate attention."

She grabbed Aemond's hands as the door fell shut behind her, leaving Criston Cole outside. A win is a win, in Aegon's mind. Watching his mother lay her hands on his little brother, though, soured that win. They may have been innocent hands, but he knew his mother. He knew how secure she could make you feel only to rip it all away the moment she decided to. He hated that Aemond still fought a flinch when their mother touched him.

"How have you all been? I've missed you terribly," she reached out to touch Helaena, who backed away from the touch. Aegon stepped closer to her, staring at his mother. He needed to find out what her goal was before she could accomplish whatever it was.

"I have a dragon, now," Aemond sat down. He sat down on the opposite side of the table that their mother was standing on. That was good. Aemond wasn't immediately swayed. Aegon sat down next to his brother, motioning for Helaena to sit on his left. Alicent sighed, eyeing each of her children before sitting down across from them. She was directly in front of Aegon.

He didn't like it, but he would rather it be him than one of them. Least of all, Helaena, who looked like she was going to be sick at any moment. He was about to just send her to Rhaenyra when their mother beat him to it, "Helaena, dear, are you unwell? I'm told the weather at Dragonstone this time of year can be harsh on the body."

Oh. That was her plan. Not subtle at all. He looked over at Aemond to see if he noticed. Evidently he did because he witnessed his brother's face fall in an instant. Not even two days in, and she was already losing. One more day of this and Aegon would be home free. He couldn't wait.

"Dragonstone is fine," he almost snapped at his mother, "Helaena, go break your fast. Tell Rhaenyra we'll be late."

Helaena was up and out of the room within the next second. Alicent sighed, "I haven't seen you in a year, Aegon. Is it so bad to want to spend time with my children?"

"Why didn't you write?" Aemond blurted out. Aegon looked at him. That was a good question. Aegon hadn't even thought about it. If Alicent loved them so much, why did she not write until now?

Their mother's eyes widened as she stumbled around her words, "Well-I-I wanted to give you time. I also realized I needed to understand why you left. I didn't want to write until I did."

He was impressed. Though, she always was a good liar. He narrowed his eyes at her, wanting to catch her in the lie, "Why did we leave?"

She blinked at him, "I shouldn't have told you those things about Rhaenyra."

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