rhaenyra XVI

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super quick note - im sorry for not updating for a few days. mentally, its been a weird few days. not bad or anything, just weird. its hard to describe. i literally couldn't write anything longer than a few paragraphs, and i dont know why. so im sorry if this chapter seems ... clunky(???) for a lack of a better word. my brain just isn't working properly. hopefully i can get back to my daily updates, though. thanks for being patient with me <3 i really appreciate it

Laenor and Aegon left shortly after their meal. Oldtown was a full day's fly away, so they needed to be in the air sooner rather than later. Rhaenyra was just glad she got some time with them before they left. She was meant to fly out soon as well. She was told to take one of their boys, and it was decided that it should be Aemond as he is the strongest one. Rhaenyra didn't necessarily like the idea of putting her adopted son in danger simply so he could play as her protector, but she didn't want to argue with Laenor when he was in 'father mode.' Rhaenyra has been told that she acts similarly in her 'mother mode.'

Rhaenyra and Aemond were packing their travel bags when they heard Aurora's worried voice, "Jace? She's not responding to the tapping."

Jace put down the sword he was inspecting and rushed over, kneeling beside Aurora on the floor. Aurora backed away, keeping her eyes on Helaena's still figure. Rhaenyra walked over to her, careful not to step on or too close to Aurora. She watched Jace tap on Helaena's inner wrist. There was no response from the catatonic girl. Jace moved his hand to tap on her ankle.

"Why her ankle?" Luke asked, his worried gaze fixed on Helaena.

Jace sighed, "Sometimes, the wrist is too expected. If she feels them in a place it doesn't normally happen, it could shake her awake."

Rhaenyra watched her son, impressed by his sudden maturity. Her heart clenched suddenly at the thought of her first born baby boy being grown up enough to care for someone else the way Rhaenyra and Harwin once cared for each other.

Looking at the way Jace looked at Helaena, she was thrown by how similar they resembled herself and Harwin. Rhaenyra prayed to every God ever that their story had a happier ending than her own.

Helaena gasped, her lilac eyes clearing as she came back down to earth. Rhaenyra watched her eyes meet Aurora's, a soft smile coming to her lips.

"The shield of the sea holds the highest pillar," Her soft, confused voice broke the silence.

Helaena stood, giving Jace a small smile as she stepped over him, and gently pulled Aurora from the floor. Helaena walked Aurora onto the balcony of the room and shut the door behind her, cutting everyone else from hearing them.

"Should we be concerned?" Luke asked, nodding to the woman on the balcony.

Rhaenyra shook her head, "Helaena always tells Aurora of her visions. There's nothing to worry about."

She left out the part where Helaena usually doesn't hesitate to share with any of them, not just Aurora. Though, when they had first met, Aurora was the only person Helaena went to about her visions. It wasn't completely out of character for Helaena to only speak with Aurora.

"She tells all of us," Jace grumbled, crossing his arms.

"Give it time, my sweet. She will," Rhaenyra rubbed a comforting thumb over Jace's cheek before going back to her bag. Helaena will tell when she's ready to tell, forcing her is not the way to get the information you want. It just confuses Helaena even more. Aurora, being something of a seer herself, was easier for her to talk to. That's what Rhaenyra thought, anyway.

She listened idly as the boys made conversation as she clasped her bag shut. Aemond came over and zipped his up, keeping his eyes on the glass door. Rhaenyra shook her head at the boys' protectiveness for their loves. It was sweet, but unnecessary.

The Dragons and Their Sun (aemond/oc)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora