aurora XIV

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Aurora was exhausted. Completely and utterly exhausted. It had been exactly one week since she woke up after healing the King. They were back in Dragonstone now. Apparently, sleeping for three days straight makes it hard to get sleep the following three days. At least, that's how it seemed. Aurora had snuck out of her guarded chambers and made her way to the sandy shore of the beach. Walking in the moonlight was a stress relief, just another reminder that she was free. She was out of her tower, and she could walk the beach at night. It felt amazing.

Her mind was racing as she thought back over the events of the past week. She was still so confused about it all. She picked her route, and now what? Does she just wait? Would she ever meet the one who made her? Would she ever get her dragon? Why was she chosen to stop this supposed dance? It didn't seem fair.

She kicked at the sand, groaning quietly as to not alert anyone of her presence. Why show her the dragon if she couldn't even meet her? Temby said she's been waiting, so where is she?

Something tugged at Aurora's mind, 'call on her.'

Aurora chewed her lip in thought for a moment. Did she just say it out loud? How does it all work? Why couldn't the tree people tell her what to do instead of just throwing information at her and expecting her to know exactly what to do?

She looked up at the sky and kept her voice low, "Aithusa?"

She waited. Nothing. She called again. Nothing. She called again, louder this time. Nothing. She wanted to scream. She channeled her anger into a stomp in the sand.

She sat down in the sand as she began to think. Aithusa's fire made her blood. Aithusa was part of Aurora. Shouldn't that mean they're connected in a way? Perhaps she was taking 'call on her' too literally.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her growing frustration. She thought back to the dragon she had seen during her birth. She took another deep breath and closed her eyes, focusing on what it was like looking into the dragon's eyes. Another deep breath as she focused harder on the dragon, letting it fully encompass her thoughts.

There was a tug at her memory. She tried not to jump as it caught her off guard. She focused on a new target; the tug. The harder she focused, the more an image came into her mind. It looked like a thread. The thread moved ever so slightly as the tug hit her again.

It was like someone forced her to move as she reached out and flicked the edge of the thread emerging from her body. She felt the flick in her body as she watched it travel down the thread. There was a tug back. Aurora tried not to scream with happiness as she felt it. She took another deep breath, focusing all of her energy on one phrase.

'Come home. Come to Dragonstone,' she made sure the plea was loud in her mind as she reached out to tug on the rope. The responding tug was harder than ever.

She stayed up all night repeating the plea. She had fallen asleep at some point long after she lost count of just how many times she had tugged on that damned thread. She was woken up by Aegon gently shoving her shoulder, "Why the fuck are you out here?"

It took her a second to get her bearings. Once she did, she excitedly looked around. Aithusa had to be here! She hurriedly stood up, looking around wildly for the dragon she spent the entire night calling. The skies were empty aside from Sunfyre and Syrax flying overhead. Aurora felt tears coming to her eyes as she choked out, "fuck."

Aegon reeled back, "Woah. That just sounds wrong coming from your mouth."

Aurora laughed through the tears forming, "Haven't you wanted me to start swearing?"

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