aemond VI

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 After six years of trying to scare him, she's done it. He was terrified. Aurora was on the ground in front of him, shaking and crying. She had violently shaken him off when he tried to touch her, something she's never done before. He had no idea what to do. She's panicked before, but never like this. Never to this extent. Everything must've finally caught up to her.

He took his hand back from her like it was on fire after she had flinched away from him. He couldn't touch her; she wouldn't let him. He didn't want to risk her harming herself trying to get away from him. His entire being lurched at the thought of not being able to help her. He could do nothing but wait for her to allow him to touch her. He would wait however long it took.

All of the sudden, Aurora's figure went limp, and blood started to pour out of her nose. He almost leaped forward to catch her head before it hit the stone floor. He despised seeing her unconscious body, but he did silently thank the Gods that she was passed out. He could safely carry her to safety now. He was about to pick her up when a quiet groan brought his attention over to the vile creatures that dared talk about his lady. He stood and walked over to him, looking down at him for a second before lifting his foot and stomping right on the man's nose. He couldn't even properly enjoy the crunch he heard because he was already rushing back to Aurora. He picked her up and took off down the hall, trying to figure out who was more likely to be in their chambers; Rhaenyra or Aegon.

He was halfway to his brother's chambers when a small groan of pain came from the woman in his arms. She blindly reached out, muttering something incomprehensible. Aemond slowed his pace, trying to listen to what she was saying.

"Down," Aurora muttered, holding a shaky hand out to the open hall before them both.

Aemond almost disregarded her request, opting to get her to safety quicker, but her body lurched forward and her hand shot to cover her mouth. Aemond skid to a halt, gently putting her down. She barely made it two steps before she fell to her knees and emptied her stomach. Aemond didn't flinch as he walked to her and placed a cautious hand on her back. She weakly pulled away, muttering a soft, "S'gross."

Aemond placed his hand firmly on her back; he wanted to shake her back to her senses if she truly thought he would leave her be simply because it was 'gross.' She needed him, and he would be dead before he left her side. He pulled her hair into one hand, and he rubbed gently circles in her back with the other. She was forced to stop fighting him when another wave of nausea hit her. He still refused to back away. She was his; everything that came with her was his. He would sit just like this night after night if he had to. He hoped to the Gods that he didn't have to. He couldn't stand to see her in pain.

She fell back on her hunches after a few moments, holding her stomach in pain. Through her shaky breaths, she quietly spoke to him, "I'm sorry."

He shook his head, fully putting his arm under her shoulders, "Don't."

The anger he felt was almost blinding. He wanted to take the heads of each man who dared open their mouths to speak ill of his lady and present them all during the feast after the tournament he was going to win. Part of him was tempted to keep them alive simply so he could kill them during the tournament; it was more acceptable that way. Though, if he took care of them tonight, he could let Aegon join in.

His thoughts were interrupted when Aurora's weight slumped against him. He panicked for a second before realizing she was still awake. He picked her up, keeping his grip tight so she was close to him. He leaned closer to her, pressing his lips against her temple, muttering, "I'm sorry."

What could he do while his love was suffering in his arms? He quickened his pace, trying to keep her still enough to not upset her stomach once more.

He had never, in his life, been more grateful to see his big brother than he was in this moment. Aegon was sauntering through the hall with a wide smirk on his face, adjusting his askew clothing. Aemond paid no mind to his brother's state as he rushed over to him. Aurora held a hand over her eyes with a pained frown painting her lips as he moved. Aegon turned to look down the hall at the sound of Aemond's quick footsteps. His brother's eyes quickly scanned the woman in his arms before he was rushing over to meet Aemond in the middle.

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