Truth or Dare

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Marinette's POV:

Alya checked us into our resort, which is one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen. It's right on the beach, with all different kinds of plants everywhere. As soon as we exited the car, we had people greetings us, and putting lei's around around our necks. I think I could stay here for a lifetime. It's a big difference from Paris, that's for sure.

Snapping me out of my daydream, Alya told us she had conveniently reserved two rooms for the four of us, with a king bed each.

"Me and Nino will take a room, obviously. So... you too can have the other!" She exclaimed, then winked at me.

Once Alya had made up her mind, I knew there was no use in trying to change it.

Great. Now I get to literally sleep with Adrien next to me! Totally not nerve wracking at all...

We made our way to our rooms, which were conveniently connecting with a living room between our bedrooms. We all threw our belongings in our rooms and met up in the connecting room.

"Guys, we should totally play truth or dare for old times sake." Alya said with the evilest grin across her face. Oh no, she was definitely up to something.

"Uh, I don't know. Isn't that game for children?" I responded, hoping to get out of whatever she had planned for us.

"Oh, c'mon Mari! It'll be fun. Back me up, babe." She looked expectantly at Nino. He shot me a look that said I'm sorry. But I can't blame him, that boy wanted to keep his head.

"Uhm, yeah. Sounds fun." Nino glanced at Alya for approval. She seemed satisfied.

"Adrien? You in?" My eyes darted over to him, I tried to send him my best 'Please don't do this' look. Adrien seemed to think it over briefly before responding.

"Why the hell not?" His answer caught me a little off guard because it seemed kind of out of character for him. But even worse, I realized that my fate was sealed. Thanks a lot, Adrien.

"Perfect! It's settled then. 3-1." Alya looked at me, unable to hide the scheming behind her smile.

"Let's just start." I said, sighing. Hopefully she wouldn't completely embarrass me.

Alya pretended to scan the room before her gaze landed on Adrien.

"Okay, Adrien. Truth or Dare?"

"Hmm, Truth."

"What do you think about Marinette?" I almost spit out my sip of water after the words left her mouth. Discreet, much?

"Well..." he seemed to think about his answer. "I see her as someone who is very kind, and always there for you when you need her." I felt my face tinge slightly. Did he really think about me that way? If I didn't know any better, I would think that he liked me. "Uh, Nino. Truth or Dare?"

"I guess I'll do dare." The boy answered.

"Okay, I dare you to whisper something suggestive in Alya's ear." He said, smiling. Adrien was clearly having some fun with this.

"Dude!" Nino exclaimed in shock.

"Dare's a dare." Adrien replied, shrugging. Nino reluctantly went up to Alya and whispered something in her ear. She seemed shocked after he had finished, with her hand flying to her mouth.

"Tonight?" She answered playfully. Nino got very flustered at this, and backed away a bit with a furious blush.

"Uh, Alright. Mari?"

"I'll do dare." I replied, suddenly wanting to join in on the fun. Surely whatever he would say couldn't be that bad, it was Nino. Until I saw Alya whisper something to him, and then pull away and wink at him. Oh shit, this could be trouble.

"Mari I, uh, dare you to spend seven minutes in heaven with Adrien." He uttered quickly.

That was quite possibly the worst thing that could've came out of Nino's mouth. What. The. Actual. Fuck. Alya. There was no way I was spending seven minutes in heaven with Adrien. No chance.

Adrien's POV:

"And what if I refuse?" Marinette responded. Something about her immediately shooting down the idea made me feel a little dejected. Did she really not wanna do the dare that badly? Not that I did.

"Then you have to streak a lap around the hotel." Alya pitched in. She was really not having Marinette's refusal.

"Uh, um, okay. Only if Adrien is fine with it." She answered, defeated.

I didn't really want to go in with Marinette, because I felt guilty about Ladybug. But I also didn't want to embarrass Marinette and ruin the dare. It's not like it was her idea anyways.

"Sure, I guess." I replied. I guess? Smooth Agreste. Marinette didn't seem too excited with my answer.

"There." Alya pointed. I follow the direction of her arm to see it was directed at an absurdly small closet. Was that really necessary?

Marinette grabbed my hand, storming in front of me to the closet.

"Let's just get this over with." Once I had entered, she closed the closet door. We were left in utter darkness, and I could barely make out her face. I could really use Chat's night vision right now.

We stood there in silence for a few seconds before she broke the silence.

"Relax, we don't have to kiss." She said finally.

"I didn't expect--" I tried to say. But Alya had other plans.

"Oh yes you do if wanna get out of there!" She yelled. And then the door was locked from the outside. "Send us a picture." Alya was having way too much fun with this. One kiss couldn't hurt, right?

Marinette began propping up her phone, making sure that we were both in frame.

"Just a peck?" I whispered, trying to remain respectful.

"Um, sure." Marinette replied. I was almost hurt by how unenthusiastic she seemed to be kissing me. Any teenage girl in Paris would kill to be her right now. And I sound like a douchebag.

I slowly tried to navigate the dark to bring my face to hers, although there wasn't much space to move, so it wasn't that difficult to find her face. My lips met hers, but before I could process anything, she pulled away.

Marinette almost instantly grabbed her phone to look at the photos. I guess she had her eyes on the prize.

"Oh, shit. I didn't get it. We moved too quickly." Marinette said. She reset her phone and pressed the timer. For a moment, she seemed to pause.

Then, she grabbed my face and pulled me back in. Except this time, it was more than just a peck. Her hands were running through my hair, and I couldn't help the small moan that escaped my mouth. My arms found their way around her waist, and I pulled her in towards my chest, deepening the kiss. She let out a little squeal in shock, but quickly regained her composure and began kissing me even harder.  I felt fireworks erupting in my stomach. Marinette tasted just like vanilla, and soon she left me breathless. But she wasn't done. She swiftly pulled me back in, and I couldn't help but enjoy it. I brought one hand towards her face, and traced it along her jaw, until I was able to use my fingers to tilt her head up towards mine. Marinette began to wrap her arms arounds my neck, somehow tightening our already close embrace. She used one hand to play with the back of my hair as she slowly pulled away. I gasped, wanting more of her. Where had this Marinette come from? She smiled at me shyly, wiping her lip gently with her thumb. Her lips looked so tempting, they were so swollen because of me.

"I think we got the shot." She said, softly giggling.

"Oh, right. Nice" I responded, completely dazed. I completely forgot about the photo.


"Damn! You guys are free to go." Alya hollered, clearly pleased. The door finally unlocked and we both exited quickly. I was softly panting, trying to catch my breath. "Let's hit the pool."

And for that I was grateful, so I could have some time to compose myself while changing. I need some time to process what the hell just happened.

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