Post-Massage Clarity

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Marinette's POV:

"Wake up, girl!" Alya said as she began ripping open the blinds to the bedroom.

"Alyaaa" I answered, abruptly awoken from my sleep. I squinted my eyes in light of the new unwelcome brightness that consumed the room.

"It's 10:00 AM! We seriously need to get you an alarm or something." Alya retorted, clearly unbothered by my discomfort. "Get up, we have to be ready to go jet skiing in an hour!"

"Fine, fine. Just gimme a second."

"Good, meet me at the cafe downstairs in fifteen and put on a bikini." Alya paused briefly. "The blue one." With that, she shut the door and left me alone.

I quickly began to change into the bathing suit she had recommended. It was my favorite of all the ones I had brought for the trip. It was a bright aquamarine color, featuring a halter top with a sweetheart neckline and standard cheeky bottoms. I felt the most comfortable in it--much more so then Alya's choice of the red to impress Adrien--and I thought that it brought out my eyes. I smiled in the mirror as I finished tying the back of my top as I took in my outfit. I slid a lightweight off-white crochet mini dress over myself as a coverup, and threw on a large tan sunhat. I grabbed my tote bag filled with beach supplies and hurried out the door.

"I made it!" I said jokingly to Alya as I walked up to the two person table she sat at as she waited for me.

"Finally, girl." She answered as she handed me a cup of coffee. "Okay, so... today obviously we have the jet skiing in half an hour, then I was thinking that the four of us could–"

As Alya gave me a run down of the itinerary, I looked off into the distance at two young children who were running around playing in the middle of the lobby. They looked so innocent and purely happy.

"Marinette? Are you even listening?" Alya said in a slightly raised voice.

"Um, yeah! We have dinner tonight at 6:00."

"What's up, Mari? You seem distracted."

I sat in silence for a moment wondering if I should tell her everything that had actually happened.


"Mari, you know you can tell me anything, right?"

"I know, it's just..." I couldn't keep this to myself any longer. "Me and Adrien had sex."

"YOU WHAT." Alya shouted, attracting the stares of many onlookers.

"Alya!" I screeched, glancing around anxiously and mouthing "I'm sorry".

"Okay, um, wow. You had sex with Adrien Agreste?!" She whispered loudly as she brought her face closer to mine in an illusion of secrecy, although there was no doubt that others could overhear our conversation.

"It was right after our massage and It just kind of happened."

"Oh my god. I figured the massage could be some good one on one time for you two but I didn't think you guys were that friendly." Alya physically covered her mouth in shock as she averted her eyes in a show of disbelief.

"I don't know, Alya." I held my temples in both my hands as I looked down at the table in thought. "I feel like he doesn't really like me. Like one second we're kissing, and the other we can't even hold a normal conversation."

"I'm sure Adrien is just as confused as you are. You've liked him since we were freshman Marinette, but he is only now realizing the feelings he has for you. You both are getting to know each other, maybe you just need to take it slow." Alya offered.

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